The orders pictured are aquifoliaceae, celastraceae, stackhousiaceae, and staphyleaceae. The flowers…
"A species of the genus Ilex, which contains about 175 species distributed throughout the world. They…
Common holly is the common name of ilex aquifolium. The leaves are shiny and spiny toothed.
Ilex aquifolium argentea medio-picta is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dark green at…
Ilex aquifolium bessonia is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are lighter green than most…
Ilex aquifolium crassifolia is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dull green. The leaves…
Ilex aquifolim doningtonensis is a green leaved variety of holly. The margins of the leaves have few…
Ilex aquifolium hendersoni is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dark green with sunken…
Ilex aquifolium ovata is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are about two and a half inches…
Ilex aquifolium pyramidalis is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are dark green. The leaves…
Ilex aquifolim tortuosa is a green leaved variety of holly. The leaves are about two inches long and…
Ilex cornuta is a variety of holly. The berries of this variety are large. The leaves are hard and dark…
Ilex crenata variegata is a variety of holly. This variety has leaves blotched with dull yellow.
Ilex dipyrena is a variety of holly. The leaves are oblong and growi on short stalks. The leaves are…