"Blattina includes the Cockroaches, the most noted species of which, the Black beetle or Common…
"A genus of Orthopterous insects, having an oval or orbicular flattened body, the head hidden beneath…
Cockroaches belong to the order Orthoptera. Cockroaches are harmful to plants in every stage after leaving…
"A genus of Orthopterous insects, having an oval or orbicular flattened body, the head hidden beneath…
"The larvae are very similar to the perfect insects, both in appearance and habits. Many of them feed…
The larva of the colorado beetle is very unlike the adult insect. The larva is harmful to gardens.
The common ground beetle feeds mostly on insects, though some of them are partly vegetarian.
Crickets, family Gryllidae (also known as "true crickets"), are insects somewhat related to grasshoppers…
"Another species of cricket is the Field-cricket, a timid animal which avoids the society of man, living…
The Field Cricket (Gryllus pennsylvanicus) is an insect in the Gryllidae family of crickets. It was…
"House Cricket (Gryllus domesticus): a, eggs; b, young just hatched; c, full-grown larva; d, pupa; e,…
House crickets are in the order Orthoptera. Crickets are destructive to plants in every stage after…
"Like that animal [the mole] it is constantly engaged in burrowing in the earth; and to enable it to…
The mole cricket (Gryllotalpa vulgaris) is an insect named for their highly developed forelimbs and…
"Rose-curculio (Rhynchites bicolor). a, beetle; c, same in profile; b, claw." -Whitney, 1911
"A South American genus, Pelopaeus, allied to the preceeding, is called the Dauber, from its…
The Devil's Coach Horse is also known as Rove Beetles. These beetles feed largely on decaying matter.
"The Dragon Fly has a large, broad head, very freely attached to the thorax, and large, convex, prominent…
An insect characterized by large multifaceted eyes, two pairs of strong transparent wings, and an elongated…
"They are often seen moving with a rapid flight over rivers, ponds, and meadows, alighting for a moment,…
"Among the larger kinds of dragon-fly is the Libellula depressa of Linnaeus, common in Europe,…
"One of the most beautiful species of Euopean dragonflies is the Virgin Dragon-fly, Libellela virgo,…
"Drone-beetle (Geotrypes splendidus). GEOTRYPES. A Fabrician genus of beetles typical of the family…
Spongophora brunneipennis is a species of earwig, and insect distinguished by forceps on its abdomen.
"The European Fidonia Plumistaria, is distinguised by its curious feathery antennae." —…
"The fig insect will not lay eggs in the Smyrna fig, but only in the wild fig; therefore one individual…
Illustration of a fire-fly commonly found in the West Indies. Its scientific name is Pyrophorus noctilucus.
Flat-Headed Borer is the common name of Chalcophora virginiensis. The insect extendsd its flattened…
"Aphaniptera includes the fleas, which, despite their minuteness, have made themselves a name in the…
The chigoe flea (Tunga penetrans) is a parasitic arthropod found in tropical climates, especially South…
The chigoe flea (Tunga penetrans) is a parasitic arthropod found in tropical climates, especially South…
The human flea (Pulex irritans) is a parasitic insect that actually has several hosts despite its name.
The Insidious Flower Bug is an insect in the Heteroptera suborder of true bugs.
The larva of Efferia aestuans (or Erax bastardi), an insect in the Asilidae family of robber flies.
The pupa of Efferia aestuans (or Erax bastardi), an insect in the Asilidae family of robber flies.
"They carry the air required for their respiration in a space left for this purpose between the wings…
"After attaching themselves to the walls of the stomach, the botfly larva are nourished by the blood…
"a, eggs of the Breeze-fly; b, the same magnified; c, larva, or bot; d, chrysalis; e, perfect insect;…
"The tipulidae have the proboscis short, terminated by a pair of fleshy lips, inclosing two bristles."…
"Crane-fly (Tipula oleracea): a, eggs; b, larva; c, pupa case as left by the insect, sticking out of…
The Common Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster) is an insect in the Drosophilidae family. The species…
The hessian fly or barley midge, Mayetiola destructor, is a species of fly that is a significant pest…