"Ox Botfly. a.-- larva, full grown, natural size; b,-- pupa; c.-- perfect insect. Botfly, Gadfly, and…
Pictured are the beetle of the natural size (a), and enlarged (b), and a pea (c) in which the hole of…
Also known as Stiretrus anchorago. This bug is predatory of the larvae of the Mexican bean beetle and…
Galgulus oculatus is a true bug species in the Gelastocoridae family of toad bugs.
"The Giant Buprestis, B. gigantea of guiana, is two inches long, and its body is of a green…
"Shows a butterfly with comparatively very large wings. The nervures are seen to be a great advantage…
"Scales from the wings of a butterfly, Vanessa antiopa, highly magnified. 1. from border of anterior…
"The Apollo butterfly, P. Apollo, is found in the damp meadows of the high Alps; the wings…
"The Galatea Butterfly, P. Galatea, A Euoprean species, called The Half-Mourning Butterfly,…
Also known as Pieris brassicae. It is commonly found throughout Europe, Asia, and north Africa. The…
Large white cabbage butterflies have large wings that are covered with small scales. The mouth is not…
Also known as Pieris brassicae. An image of the larva and pupa of the large white cabbage butterfly.
"The Peacock-butterfly, V. Io, has the edges of the wings denticulated; above they are of a…
"The Priam butterfly, Papilio priamus, is a native of the Eastern Archipelago; its wings are…
"Butterfly, Grub or Caterpillar, and Pupa or Chrysalis" — Goodrich, 1859
The swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon) is a large colorful butterfly with atleast 550 species.
"The Sybil Butterfly, P. Sybilla, sometimes called the Mourning Butterfly, is a common…
A sequenced illustration of the cabbage butterfly undergoing metamorphosis. The butterfly starts out…
"The Troilus Butterfly, Papilio Troilus, is a superb insect, the wings denticulated, black,…
"Geopinus incrassatus. GEOPINUS. A genus of caraboid beetles, of the subfamily Harpalinae, having the…
"The Blue Carabus, C. cyaneus, is an inch and a quarter long, the body oval, flat, and above…
"In illustration of the savageness of this race, the author of the "Jardin des Plantes" tells us of…
"The Inquisitor Carabus, C. inquisitor, has the same form and manner as the [Sycophant Carabus]:…
"The elevation of the dome, which is all built from the interior, is from four to six inches above the…
"The Cassida gibbosa of Brazil, three quarters of an inch long, is one of the larger species…
Caterpillar, larvae of the butterfly, are harmful to plants. These caterpillars sucker feet on the hinder…
"If the guide stops a moment all the followers halt; if he continues the route, they all hasten after…
"If the guide stops a moment all the followers halt; if he continues the route, they all hasten after…
The caterpillar stage of the double-toothed prominent (Nerice bidentata) showing its serrated back.
The common hundred-legged worm. Its body is divided into a number of similar joints, and each joint…
"A Centipede is a worm having a long slender, depressed body, protected by coriaceous plates, 21 pairs…
"In America the cicadas have the general name of Harvest-flies; they are also often improperly…
A cicada is an insect of the order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha, in the superfamily Cicadoidea,…
When clear wing moths are larvae they live in burrows, in the roots and stems of many plants, and often…
An illustration of Cochineal living on cactus. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye…
An illustration of a female Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the…
An illustration of a male Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the cochineal…
"Cochineal is a dye-stuff employed in dyeing scarlet and crimson; consists of the bodies of the femals…
"Cochineal is a dye-stuff employed in dyeing scarlet and crimson; consists of the bodies of the femals…
"In the common European Cock-Chafer, Melolontha vulgaris, they are of considerable length,…
An illustration of a cockchafer. The cockchafer (colloquially called may bug, billy witch, or spang…
An illustration of a full grown cockchafer larva. The cockchafer (colloquially called may bug, billy…
An illustration of a cockchafer pupa. The cockchafer (colloquially called may bug, billy witch, or spang…