The jackdaw is a nonmigratory bird, distributed throughout Middle Europe and Asia, as well as Great Britain.


The jackdaw is a nonmigratory bird, distributed throughout Middle Europe and Asia, as well as Great…

A small European crow.


A small European crow.

"Corvus monedul. Jackdaw. The species throughout uniform lustrous black, including the bill and feet; nasal bristles about half as long as the bill, which exhibits the typical cultrirostral style. Nostrils large, but entirely concealed. Wings much longer than tail, folding about to its end. Several outer primaries sinuate-attenuate on inner webs. Tail rounded, with broad feathers, sinuate-truncate at ends, with mucronate shafts. Feet stout; tarsus more or less nearly equal to middle toe and claw, roughly scutellate in front, laminar behind, with a set of small plates between." Elliot Coues, 1884


"Corvus monedul. Jackdaw. The species throughout uniform lustrous black, including the bill and feet;…

"The so-called green jackdaw of Asia, <i>Cissa sinensis</i>. The sirgang inhabits the southeastern Himalayan region, and thence through Burma to Tasserim, and has occasioned much literature." &mdash;Whitney, 1889
<p>The bird is perched on a branch with a few leaves.


"The so-called green jackdaw of Asia, Cissa sinensis. The sirgang inhabits the southeastern Himalayan…