"The Federal Army, under General Pope, landing on the Kentucky Shore, opposite New Madrid, April 1st, 1862. New Madrid was the scene of one of the most remarkable exploits in military annals- the capture of six thousand men and an immense store of arms and munitions of war on an adjacent island, which had been elaborately fortified. New Madrid is situated on the Missouri side of the Mississippi, and possessed a large business in cattle, corn and lumber for the Southern market at the commencement of the war. It is about forty miles below Columbus, and sixty miles from Cairo, and about eight miles from the far-famous Island No. 10. These distances are calculated by the winding of the river. It was first settled in 1780, and gradually grew larger till 1812, when the great earthquake nearly destroyed it."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Kentucky Shore

"The Federal Army, under General Pope, landing on the Kentucky Shore, opposite New Madrid, April 1st,…