This Ivy Spray has lanceolate leaves.

Ivy Spray

This Ivy Spray has lanceolate leaves.

A hollow sac-like or tubular extension of some part of a flower.


A hollow sac-like or tubular extension of some part of a flower.

A squirrel hiding in a tree from the rain.


A squirrel hiding in a tree from the rain.

Seed of a St. John's-wort, divided lengthwise; here the whole kernel is embryo.

St. John's-wort

Seed of a St. John's-wort, divided lengthwise; here the whole kernel is embryo.

The pollen bearing organ of the flower.


The pollen bearing organ of the flower.

Stamen with the usual dehiscence of anther down the side of each cell.


Stamen with the usual dehiscence of anther down the side of each cell.

This flower stand is decorated with leaves. It is used to display flowers.

Flower Stand

This flower stand is decorated with leaves. It is used to display flowers.

This vase with stand is a maltese design. The stand has a simple design of leaves. The vase has a handle on each side, and a grape vine design on its center body.

Vase with Stand

This vase with stand is a maltese design. The stand has a simple design of leaves. The vase has a handle…

Stem of a potato plant.


Stem of a potato plant.

Piece of thallus of a Sticta, with section, showing the immersed apothecia; the small openings of these dot the surface.


Piece of thallus of a Sticta, with section, showing the immersed apothecia; the small openings of these…

The sticky portion of the pistil, usually terminal, upon which the pollen is deposited.


The sticky portion of the pistil, usually terminal, upon which the pollen is deposited.

A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in length, and 1 to 3 inches broad.

Polypodium Stigmaticum

A wide-creeping fern with reddish-brown scales. The fronds of this fern are approximately 2 feet in…

An appendage at the base of the petiole of a leaf; normally occuring in pairs.


An appendage at the base of the petiole of a leaf; normally occuring in pairs.

The evolute spiral stove tile is a painting during the German Renaissance. It is a wavelike pattern that mimics the waves of the sea. The interstices (small opening) between the lines is decorated with leaves and flower buds.

Evolute Spiral Stove Tile

The evolute spiral stove tile is a painting during the German Renaissance. It is a wavelike pattern…

Longitudinal section of a young strawberry.


Longitudinal section of a young strawberry.

Section of a part of a strawberry


Section of a part of a strawberry

"In botany, a runner; a weak, creeping shoot sent out from the bottom of the stem, and rooting and forming new plants at the nodes, as in the strawberry." -Whitney, 1911

Strawberry Flagellum

"In botany, a runner; a weak, creeping shoot sent out from the bottom of the stem, and rooting and forming…

Somewhat heart shaped.


Somewhat heart shaped.

Shaped like an awl.


Shaped like an awl.

"Drosera rotundifolia. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a perpendicular section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Common Sundew

"Drosera rotundifolia. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a perpendicular section…

This shows the leaf of the Swamp Cottonwood, Populus heterophylla, (Keeler, 1915).

Swamp Cottonwood Leaf

This shows the leaf of the Swamp Cottonwood, Populus heterophylla, (Keeler, 1915).

Also known as Quercus palustris. A species of red oak tree native to eastern United States.

Branch of Swamp Spanish Oak

Also known as Quercus palustris. A species of red oak tree native to eastern United States.

Also known as Betula lenta. A species of birch native to eastern North America.

Branch of Sweet Birch

Also known as Betula lenta. A species of birch native to eastern North America.

A leaf from a sycamore tree.

Sycamore Leaf

A leaf from a sycamore tree.

A brass syringe, which is useful for washing dust off plants.

Brass Syringe

A brass syringe, which is useful for washing dust off plants.

A decorative capital T with ornate leaves and pine cones decorating it.

Capital Letter T

A decorative capital T with ornate leaves and pine cones decorating it.

A capital letter T with a leafy background.

Leafy Letter T

A capital letter T with a leafy background.

This table is made out of black marble. The top of the table has a design of a wreath of flowers and leaves.


This table is made out of black marble. The top of the table has a design of a wreath of flowers and…

This table is designed with long pendant leaves ornamented on the column


This table is designed with long pendant leaves ornamented on the column

"Paronychia capitata. 1. a section of a flower; 2. of the ovary; 3. ripe seed; 4. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853

Algerian Tea

"Paronychia capitata. 1. a section of a flower; 2. of the ovary; 3. ripe seed; 4. a section of it."…

This teaspoon has spiraling vines on the handle, with flowers and leaves.


This teaspoon has spiraling vines on the handle, with flowers and leaves.

A slender-fronded fern with pinnae that are narrower than those of a regular Pteris serrulata, and has saw-edged leaves. They are commonly found in China.

Pteris Serrulata Tenuifolia

A slender-fronded fern with pinnae that are narrower than those of a regular Pteris serrulata, and has…

"Tetratheca hirsuta. 1. the stamens; 2. the pistil, with one of the cells laid open." -Lindley, 1853


"Tetratheca hirsuta. 1. the stamens; 2. the pistil, with one of the cells laid open." -Lindley, 1853

"A plant of the genus <i>Sonchus</i>, primarily <i>S. oleraceus</i>, a weed of waste places, probably native in Europe and central Asia, but now diffused nearly all over the world. It is a smooth herb with a milky juice, bearing runcinate-pinnatifid leaves and rather small yellow flower heads... 1. upper part of the stem with the heads; 2. one of the basal leaves; a, a flower; b, the achene with the pappus." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Sow Thistle - Stem with Heads, Basal Leaves, Flower, Achene with Pappus

"A plant of the genus Sonchus, primarily S. oleraceus, a weed of waste places, probably native in Europe…

Of the Nightshade family (Solanaceae), the purple thorn apple (Datura Tatula).

Purple Thorn Apple

Of the Nightshade family (Solanaceae), the purple thorn apple (Datura Tatula).

Three Chinese tea leaves. In some Chinese tea making processes, only the first three leaves were picked.

Three tea leaves

Three Chinese tea leaves. In some Chinese tea making processes, only the first three leaves were picked.

Three-ranked arrangement, shown in a piece of the stalk of a Sedge, with the leaves cut off above their bases; the leaves are numbered in order, from 1 to 6.


Three-ranked arrangement, shown in a piece of the stalk of a Sedge, with the leaves cut off above their…

Three-ranked arrangement, shown in a piece of the stalk of a Sedge. Diagram or cross-section, in one plane; showing two cycles of three.


Three-ranked arrangement, shown in a piece of the stalk of a Sedge. Diagram or cross-section, in one…

An ornamental tile used as a doodad for decorating a page.

Decorative Tile

An ornamental tile used as a doodad for decorating a page.

"Fruits of Linden, with a bract joined to the peduncle and forming a wing." -Bergen, 1896

Tilia Fruit

"Fruits of Linden, with a bract joined to the peduncle and forming a wing." -Bergen, 1896

"Toddalia floribunda. 1. a flower; 2. a pair of carpels, one of which shows its ovule; 3. fruits; 4. a perpendicular section of one of them." -Lindley, 1853


"Toddalia floribunda. 1. a flower; 2. a pair of carpels, one of which shows its ovule; 3. fruits; 4.…

"Salvadora persica. 1. flower; 2. a section of its fruit." -Lindley, 1853

Toothbrush Tree

"Salvadora persica. 1. flower; 2. a section of its fruit." -Lindley, 1853

A plant which produces white or faintly pink flowers, with very small leaves and lobed leaves. They are common in Japan and bloom in May.

Pyrus Toringo

A plant which produces white or faintly pink flowers, with very small leaves and lobed leaves. They…

"It is a very large tree, the trunk being sometimes three feet in diameter, although it is of little is as a timber tree, the wood being spongy." -Lupton

The Gutta-percha tree

"It is a very large tree, the trunk being sometimes three feet in diameter, although it is of little…

A trembling fern with fronds ranging between 2 feet and 4 feet in length, and 6 inches and 2 feet in width. They are commonly found in greenhouses in New Zealand and Australia.

Pteris Tremula

A trembling fern with fronds ranging between 2 feet and 4 feet in length, and 6 inches and 2 feet in…

Diagram of flower of Trillium. In this, as in all such diagrams of cross-section of blossoms, the parts of the outer circle represent the calyx; the next, corolla; within, stames (here in two circles of three each, and the cross-section is through the anthers); in the centre, section of three ovaries joined into a compound one of three cells.


Diagram of flower of Trillium. In this, as in all such diagrams of cross-section of blossoms, the parts…

"Collomia gracilis. 1. calyx and corolla; 2. pistil; 3. cross section of a ripe seed-vessel." -Lindley, 1853


"Collomia gracilis. 1. calyx and corolla; 2. pistil; 3. cross section of a ripe seed-vessel." -Lindley,…

Ending abruptly as if cut off.


Ending abruptly as if cut off.

An enlarged, persistent style base often found on the summit of the fruits of sedges.


An enlarged, persistent style base often found on the summit of the fruits of sedges.

A bulbous plant with showy flowers and lanceolate leaves.


A bulbous plant with showy flowers and lanceolate leaves.

Top shaped or conical with the broad end uppermost.


Top shaped or conical with the broad end uppermost.

This illustration shows 4 types of simple leaves:
1. Linear (an elongated version of the elliptical); 2. Lanceolate; 3. elliptical; 4. ovate.

Types of Simple Leaves

This illustration shows 4 types of simple leaves: 1. Linear (an elongated version of the elliptical);…

This illustration shows two types of leaves derived from the circular type:
5. Palmately lobed; 6. Orbicular and pelate.

Types of Simple Leaves Derived from the Circular Type

This illustration shows two types of leaves derived from the circular type: 5. Palmately lobed; 6. Orbicular…

A type of flat topped flower cluster.


A type of flat topped flower cluster.

An umbel


An umbel

With a wavy margin.


With a wavy margin.

The laurel undulate band is a wavelike design of laurel leaves and berries.

Laurel Border Undulate Band

The laurel undulate band is a wavelike design of laurel leaves and berries.

The modern border undulate band is a wavelike design of leaves.

Modern Border Undulate Band

The modern border undulate band is a wavelike design of leaves.

The modern border undulate band is a wavelike design of leaves.

Modern Border Undulate Band

The modern border undulate band is a wavelike design of leaves.

The oak undulate band is a wavelike design of oak leaves..

Oak Border Undulate Band

The oak undulate band is a wavelike design of oak leaves..