A genus of plants of the family liliaceae, native to the bushy places of America and Eurasia. It has…
Convallaria majalis, commonly known as the Lily of the Valley or Lily-of-the-Valley, is the only species…
Also known as Convallaria majalis. It is native throughout the Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe.…
The three sizes of crowns represent the crowns aged at one, two, and three years.
Size and good quality in the flowers of the Lily of the Valley depend upon the cultivation and attention…
The method for propagating the lily of the valley is by the numerous crowns which form at the points…
Two species of the lily family (Liliaceae): left, Canada Mayflower (Maianthemum canadense); right, lily…
Illustrated is a section of the flower of lily-of-the-valley. It is laid open to show the parts.
An illustration of flowering plant of the Canadian mayflower, flower (a), and fruit (b). Maianthemum…