"Caracal, a species of lynx; a native of Northern Africa and Southwestern Asia. It is about the size…
This Lynx head is shown from its front and side view. It is an Antique Gargoyle, found in the Vatican.
The lynx is a timid animal of the cat family that lives primarily on small mammals and birds. It can…
A genus of feline mammals, characterized by ears tufted at the tips, short tail, long fur, and comparatively…
A lynx is any of four medium-sized wild cats. All are members of the genus Lynx, but there is considerable…
The Canada lynx is remarkable for its gait, going by successive leaps with the back arched. Its diet…
The Roman table support trapezophoron is a marble design of a Lynx head and claw.
The Roman table support trapezophoron is a marble design of a Lynx head and claw.