"That kind of masonry, much used in ancient fortification-walls, etc. in which the outside surfaces on both sides are formed of ashler laid in regular courses, and the inclosed space between them is filled in with rubble-work." -Whitney, 1911


"That kind of masonry, much used in ancient fortification-walls, etc. in which the outside surfaces…

A rough faced wall made from large stones.

Quarry Faced

A rough faced wall made from large stones.

"The more modern furnaces are constructed like this, but the masonry at the base is still less massive, so that, instead of there being four distinct tuyere houses, the separating walls of the houses are wholly cut away and replaced by a number of stout iron pillars on which rests the greater portion of the weight of the superstructure; through the walls of the hearth are pierced conical arched openings for the tuyeres; the throat is fitted with a valve for introducing materials from time to time, such as the cup and cone arrangement." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The more modern furnaces are constructed like this, but the masonry at the base is still less massive,…

A man whose occupation is to lay bricks and stones in walls or structures of any kind.


A man whose occupation is to lay bricks and stones in walls or structures of any kind.

"In masonry, the act of leaving unfinished masonry, as prepared to receive future additions, in steps." -Whitney, 1911

Masonry, Racking

"In masonry, the act of leaving unfinished masonry, as prepared to receive future additions, in steps."…

In masonry, toothing bricks is alternating their projection at the end of a wall to be continued later.

Masonry, Toothing

In masonry, toothing bricks is alternating their projection at the end of a wall to be continued later.

"A furnace in which metals are separated from their ores. a, fire-brick lining; b, masonry; c, opening in the side of the upper part of the furnace through which it is charged; e, boshes; f, throat; g, hearth or crucible; h, dam-stone; i, twyer; That part lying below the widest diameter, above the boshes, is called the shaft." —Whitney, 1889

Smelting Furnace with Fire Burning

"A furnace in which metals are separated from their ores. a, fire-brick lining; b, masonry; c, opening…

In masonry, is a term applied where surface of a wall shows groves between the different courses of stones, thus giving the appearance of open joints. There are many varieties of it.

Rustic Work Depictions

In masonry, is a term applied where surface of a wall shows groves between the different courses of…