Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13, occipito-frontalis.

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck

Muscles of Face, Head, and Neck. Labels: 1, sterno-cleido-mastoid; 10, temporal; 11, masseter; 13, 13,…

"1, primitive carotid artery dividing itself into carotid external and carotid internal; 3, occipital branch to the back part of the skull; 4, upper hyoides artery; 5, lower pharyngeal artery; 6, masseter artery; 7, submental artery; 8, lower coronary artery; 9, upper coronary artery; 10, deep branch; 11, back cervical artery; 12, continuation and fold of the occipital; 13, descending branch for muscles of the neck; 14, posterior auricular; 15, temporal artery; 16, pariental branches; 17, frontal branches." — Richardson, 1906

Facial Arteries

"1, primitive carotid artery dividing itself into carotid external and carotid internal; 3, occipital…

"Skull of Hystrix Eristata. t, temporal muscle; m, masseter. m', portion of masseter transmitted through the infra-orbital foramen, the superior maxillary nerve passing outwards between it and the maxillary bone." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1903

Hystrix Eristata

"Skull of Hystrix Eristata. t, temporal muscle; m, masseter. m', portion of masseter transmitted through…

This illustration shows the external surface of the skull.


This illustration shows the external surface of the skull.

This illustration shows the anterolateral region of the skull.


This illustration shows the anterolateral region of the skull.