"Adjudged the best two-move problem of the British Chess Association Tourney, 1872). White to play and…
"The prize problem of the Cambridge Tourney, 1860. White to play and mate in three moves." — Encyclopedia…
"One of the first-prize set of the Bristol Tourney, 1861. White to play and mate in three moves." —…
"One of the second-prize set of the Pasris Tourney, 1867. White to play and mate in four moves." —…
"One of the first-prize set of the British Chess Association Tourney, 1872, and also adjudged the best…
"One of the first-prize set of the British Chess Association Tourney, 1862, and also adjudged the best…
Illustration of the projection of point P as it moves around a vertical circle of radius 3 in. in a…
Illustration of the projection of point P as it moves around a vertical circle of radius 2 ft. in a…
Illustration showing a line that moves so that its ends constantly touch two fixed lines which are perpendicular…