"In a general what we may describe a cell as a tiny mass of jelly in which floats another still smaller mass of slightly different composition, called the <em>nucleus</em> of the larger one."


"In a general what we may describe a cell as a tiny mass of jelly in which floats another still smaller…

Diagram showing the principal parts of the cell and something of the protoplasmic architecture as it might appear while living. a, alveoli or spheres in the foam-work; c, centrosome; cy, cytoplasmic meshwork, containing granules; nu., nucleus; n, nucleolus; v. vacuole; w, cell wall.


Diagram showing the principal parts of the cell and something of the protoplasmic architecture as it…

"Diagram of cell structure. Pl. Plastids in cytoplasm. cc. Centrosome. n. Nucleolus. Chr. Chromosomes. N. Nucleus. ct. General cytoplasm. V. Vacuole. Gr. Granules." -Thomson, 1916

Cell Structure

"Diagram of cell structure. Pl. Plastids in cytoplasm. cc. Centrosome. n. Nucleolus. Chr. Chromosomes.…

"Ovum of a Sea-Urchin, showing the radially striated cell-membrane, the protoplasm, containing yolk-granules, the large nucleus (germinal vescicle), with its network of chromatin and a large nucleolus (germinal spot)." -Parker, 1900

Sea Urchin Ovum

"Ovum of a Sea-Urchin, showing the radially striated cell-membrane, the protoplasm, containing yolk-granules,…