A leaf which has "the form of a fiddle or violin; pandurate or panduriform: applied in botany to an obovate leaf which is contracted above the base." -Whitney, 1911

Fiddle-Shaped Leaf

A leaf which has "the form of a fiddle or violin; pandurate or panduriform: applied in botany to an…

This shows an obovate leaf.


This shows an obovate leaf.

"General outline of leaves. a, linear; b, lanceolate; c, wedge-shaped; d, spatulate; e, ovate; f, obovate; g, kidney-shaped; h, orbicular; i, elliptical." -Bergen, 1896

Leaf Shapes

"General outline of leaves. a, linear; b, lanceolate; c, wedge-shaped; d, spatulate; e, ovate; f, obovate;…

Opposite of ovate, egg-shaped and narrow at the base.

Obovate Leaf

Opposite of ovate, egg-shaped and narrow at the base.

An obovate leaf is inversely egg shaped with the broadest end uppermost.

Obovate Leaf

An obovate leaf is inversely egg shaped with the broadest end uppermost.