This figure reproduces a combination of orthorhombic forms observed on crystals of aluminum orthosilicate, or Andalusite: (a), (b), (c), (m), (l), (n), (r), (p), (s), and (k).


This figure reproduces a combination of orthorhombic forms observed on crystals of aluminum orthosilicate,…

"Orthorhombic. Acicular pyramidal; consisting of a prism terminated by a combination of a very steep pyramid and brachydome." — Ford, 1912


"Orthorhombic. Acicular pyramidal; consisting of a prism terminated by a combination of a very steep…

"Orthorhombic. Tabular; consisting of prominent brachypinacoid faces modified by a prism and a low brachydome." — Ford, 1912


"Orthorhombic. Tabular; consisting of prominent brachypinacoid faces modified by a prism and a low brachydome."…

Holohedral orthorhombic combination

Crystal of Hypersthene

Holohedral orthorhombic combination

This figure exhibits a combination occurring on the ferro-magnesian meta-silicate, Hypersthene. Forms: (a), (b), (m), (n), (h), (o), (c), (i), and (u).


This figure exhibits a combination occurring on the ferro-magnesian meta-silicate, Hypersthene. Forms:…

"Orthorhombic. Crystals commonly tabular parallel to basal plane, showing also short prisms and low brachydomes." — Ford, 1912


"Orthorhombic. Crystals commonly tabular parallel to basal plane, showing also short prisms and low…

"Orthorhombic. Crystals commonly tabular parallel to basal plane, showing also short prisms and low brachydomes. The brachydomes usually striated parallel to the brachy-axis. Often twinned, given coxcomb and spear-shaped groups." — Ford, 1912


"Orthorhombic. Crystals commonly tabular parallel to basal plane, showing also short prisms and low…

"This is the general form and is bounded by eight scalene triangles." -The Encyclopedia Britannica 1910

Orthorhombic Bipyramids

"This is the general form and is bounded by eight scalene triangles." -The Encyclopedia Britannica 1910

"This is the general form and is bounded by eight scalene triangles." -The Encyclopedia Britannica 1910

Orthorhombic Bipyramids

"This is the general form and is bounded by eight scalene triangles." -The Encyclopedia Britannica 1910

"general form...bounded by four scalene triangles." -The Encyclopedia Britannica 1910

Orthorhombic Bisphenoid

"general form...bounded by four scalene triangles." -The Encyclopedia Britannica 1910

This is an orthorhombic crystal of olivine. It is formed by the orthorhombic prism in combination with two pinacoids.

Orthorhombic Crystal of Olivine

This is an orthorhombic crystal of olivine. It is formed by the orthorhombic prism in combination with…

"An orthorhombic pyramid has eight triangular faces, each of which intersects all three of the crystallographic axes." — Ford, 1912


"An orthorhombic pyramid has eight triangular faces, each of which intersects all three of the crystallographic…

"One allotropic forms of sulphur, that of a lemon-yellow brittle solid, crystallizing in orthorhombic octahedrons." —Hallock 1905


"One allotropic forms of sulphur, that of a lemon-yellow brittle solid, crystallizing in orthorhombic…

This figure shows an orthorhombic crystal of sulphur, showing the forms: (p), (s), (c), and (n).


This figure shows an orthorhombic crystal of sulphur, showing the forms: (p), (s), (c), and (n).