"Speotyto cunicularia, the Burrowing Owl, a comparatively long-legged and short -winged bird with incomplete…
"Speotyto cunicularia hypogae'a. Burrowing Owl. Adult: Above, dull grayish-brown, profusely spotted…
"Surnia funerea. American Hawk Owl. Day Owl. Bill and eyes yellow; claws brownish-black. Upper parts…
Scops. Little Horned Owls. Screech Owls. Like the miniature Bubo in form (all our species under a foot…
"Asio accipitrinus. Short-eared Owl. Marsh Owl. Ear-tufts inconspicuous, much shorter than middle toe…
Nyctea scandiaca." The great white or snowy owl, Strix nyctea or Nyctea scandiaca, inhabiting arctic…
"Nyctala - Saw-whet Owls. Skull and ear-parts highly unsymmetrical, the the latter of great size, and…
"Scops. Little Horned Owls. Screech Owls. Like the miniature Bubo in form (all our species under a foot…