"Profile and vertex views of cerebrum. Dr, the frontal lobe; Par, parietal; Oc, occipital; Ts, temporo-sphenoidal…
"A,frontal love of the cerebrum; B, parietal lobe; C, parieto-occipital lobe;…
"Side view of skull of Cape Jumping Hare. Pmx, premaxilla; Mx, maxilla; Ma, malar; Fr, frontal; L, lachrymal;…
Parietal bone of the human skull, inner surface. The parietal bones form the greater part of the sides…
The human skull. Labels: 1, frontal lobe; 2, parietal lobe; 3, temporal lobe; 4, the sphenoid bone;…
The base of the skull. The lower jaw has been removed. At the lower part of the figure is the hard palate…
The skull. Labels: a, nasal bone; b, superior maxillary; c, inferior maxillary; d, occipital; e, temporal;…
A side view of the skull. Labels: O, occipital bone; T, temporal; Pr, parietal; F, frontal; S, sphenoid;…