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“Profile and vertex views of cerebrum. Dr, the frontal lobe; Par, parietal; Oc, occipital; Ts, temporo-sphenoidal lobe; SS, Sylvian fissure; RR, fissure of Rolando; PO, parieto-occipital fissure; IP, intra-pariental fissure; PP, Parallel fissure; SF and IF, supero- and infero-frontal fissures; 1, inferior, 2 middle, and 3, superior frontal convolutions; 4, ascending frontal convolution; 5, ascending parietal, 5’, postero-parietal, and 6, angular convolutions; A, supra-marginal, or convolution of the parietal eminence; 7, superior, 8, middle, and 9, inferior temporo-sphenoidal convolutions; 10, superior, 11, middle, and 12, inferior occipital convolutions.” — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893


The Encyclopedia Britannica, New Warner Edition (New York, NY: The Werner Company, 1893)


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