The Gothic console is a a type of support that tappers downwards like a pendant with a round plan. It…
The Renaissance console is shaped in front-view like a pendant triangle. This console is found in a…
This Romanesque console is a 12th century design found in the Noyon cathedral in France. This type of…
"A conventionalized eagle, a characteristic of much of the detail found at the place as well as at Hissarlik."…
The Old Frankish earring is a pendant that is free-ending with different moveable parts.
"This Order was instituted by Her Majesty the Queen, in the year 1861, for bestowing honor upon the…
An illustration of a gold chain, "formed of wires closely plaited and very flexible" (Britannica, 1910).
"The pendant oblong ornament for containing a scroll is an example of great craftsmanship." —The…
"A representation of a remarkably elegant pendant ornament, the design being of an exceptionally beautiful…