Flat cells from the surface of the lining membrane of the abdomen (peritoneum). Labels: a, cell-body; b, nucleus; c, nucleoli.

Cells from the Abdominal Lining

Flat cells from the surface of the lining membrane of the abdomen (peritoneum). Labels: a, cell-body;…

"Transverse section of earthworm. A., Cuticle; B., epidermis; C.M., circular muscles; L.M., longitudinal muscles; D., a seta; C., coelom; Y.C., yellow cells; F., typhlosole; V.V., supra-neural blood vessel; S.V., sub-neural vessel; D.V., dorsal vessel; P., peritoneum; E., cavity of gut; G., endodermic lining of gut; N., part of a nephridium; R., opening of a nephridium; I., the nerve-cord; J., a nerve given off; K., giant fibres in the nerve-cord." -Thomson, 1916


"Transverse section of earthworm. A., Cuticle; B., epidermis; C.M., circular muscles; L.M., longitudinal…

The peritoneum is a large serous membrane, which forms in the male a closed sac, the parietal layer of which lines the abdominal walls, its visceral layer being reflected more or less completely over all the abdominal and pelvic viscera. It's free surface is covered with endothelium, and is smooth, moist, and shining. Its attached surface is connected to the viscera and the parietes of the abdomen by the sub-peritoneal tela or areolar tissue. In the female it is not a closed sac, the free extremities of the Fallopian tubes opening directly into the cavity. The peritoneum is divided by a constricted portion of its tissue, at the foramen of Winslow into 2 sacs, the Greater Sac and the Lesser Sac.

The Peritoneum

The peritoneum is a large serous membrane, which forms in the male a closed sac, the parietal layer…

Diagram of the peritoneum, a serous membrane covering all the contents of the abdominal cavity. Labels: D, diaphragm; L, liver; S, stomach; C, transverse colon; D, transverse duodenum; P, pancreas; I, small intestines; R, rectum; B, bladder.

The Peritoneum

Diagram of the peritoneum, a serous membrane covering all the contents of the abdominal cavity. Labels:…