Also known as the wood-grouse, the capercaille averages about three feet in length and feeds on berries…
Measuring twenty-six inches in height, the kulm cock is believed to have been brought from Java or Sumatra.
The Guinea-fowl (or pintado) was originally native to Africa, but was introduced to American poultry-yards.
Native only to the British Isles and the Orkneys, the red grouse is often bred in confinement to be…
Prairie hens feed on grasshoppers, wheat, corn, seeds, and the buds of trees. They are also known as…
Found in California, the California partridge averages aproximately nine and a quarter inches in length,…
The common partridge of Europe, or gray partridge, is found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its…
The red-legged partridge (or Gurnsey partridge) averages thirteen inches and length and is found in…
The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…
The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…
The common pheasant of Europe is prized as a game bird, and prefers to make its home in marshes, thickets,…
Native to Sumatra and India, the argus pheasant can measure up to five feet in length.
Also known as Hastings' tragopan, the horned pheasant is native to the northern reaches of the Himalayas.
Pigeons are distinguished by their slender feet which are adapted for perching, whilst the voice is…
A trio of ptarmigans (also known as white grouses) found in colder regions at higher altitudes. They…
Also known as the hemipode, the Andelusian quail is found in Spain, North Africa, and Sicily.