A class of rodent mammals belonging to the mouse family, but including only the larger species. A number…
A mole—rat having the eyes open, though very small, ears naked and very short, thumb rudimentary,…
Hapalotis Albipes. "Nearly the size of a rabbit, but of mouse-like form, and is chiefly found in New…
"Of this genus Gervais makes a seperate family. The only species is the R. Cernei. This has…
"Schizodon fuscus...A genus of South American octodont rodents, related to Ctenomys" (Tuco-tuco). -Whitney,…
"Is about the size of a rat.. Their legs are of equal length, and terminate into five toes, which are…
"Two and a half inches long, with a tail of nearly equal length. It is of a grayish-brown, with a black…
Cayenne Echimys, or spiny rat. Has a stout body, thick muzzle, short ears, long tail, and ample hair.
"About five inches long, and covered with spines resembling bristles. It is called Tendrac by the natives…
"When dangers close our path, 'tis wise you'll see, to have more than one place to which to flee; to…
Usually 8 to 10 inches long with a tail 2 to 3 inches in length, small eyes, rudimentary ears and a…
"A short-legged, thickset animal, the body two feet long, the tail half an inch long. It lives in burrows…
A wrench is a tool used to provide a mechanical advantage in applying torque to turn bolts, nuts, or…