"The air pump is an instrument for removing air from a given space. A closed vessel R is called the…
"The air pump is an instrument for removing air from a given space. A closed vessel R is called the…
"Gun. A, breech; B, barrel; C, band; D, breech-block; E, butt; F, butt- or heel-plate; G, front sight…
This image "shows a cross section through the magazine empty, and with cut-off "on," shown in projection.…
This image "represents a cross section through the ejector with the magazine loaded. The parts shown…
A manual air pump. R is the receiver. The space that the receiver encloses is what it removes the air…
The Bell receiver reproduces sounds made on the other end of the circuit, from a transmitter of some…
"Wireless Telegraphy is a system of transmitting messages between distant points without the use of…
"The sounder is a telegraphic receiver consisting of an electromagnet, and a pivoted armature that plays…