A Hodson Wax Bean plant, well-suited to Florida. It is nearly immune to rust and is a very heavy bearer.

Hodson Wax Beans

A Hodson Wax Bean plant, well-suited to Florida. It is nearly immune to rust and is a very heavy bearer.

Also known as Puccinia graminis. This fungus is a significant detriment to cereal crops. It is currently spreading across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. This image depicts a a spore of the fungus germinating and producing Sporidia on the tips of small stalks.

Stem Rust

Also known as Puccinia graminis. This fungus is a significant detriment to cereal crops. It is currently…

Rusty has been left outside in the rain a few too many times, but he doesn't seem to mind.

Rusty Robot

Rusty has been left outside in the rain a few too many times, but he doesn't seem to mind.