"Ambulacral system of a starfish. a, ampullae; ap, Polian vesicles; c, circular canal; m, madreporite;…
"Tergal skeleton of Asterius rubens. a, connecting pieces; b, spinebearing plates." — Encyclopedia…
"Asterias rubens. a, 4-ranked pedicelis; b, end of pedicel magnified." — Encyclopedia Britannica,…
"The rays are sometimes very short, or altogether wanting, the body having the form of a pentagonal…
"Section of ray of Astropecten aurantiacus. a, vertebral ossicles; b, adambulacral ossicles; c, d, marginal…
"Palaechinus sphaericus, Scouler; Carbouiferous, Ireland." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
"Archaeocidaris Urii, Flem (spine and intermediate plate); Carboniferous, Ireland." — Encyclopedia…
"Cidaris glandifera, Goldf (spine); Jura, Mount Carmel." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
"Hemipneustes Greenovii, Forbes, U. Greensand, Blackdown" — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
"Cidaris florigemma, with spine, a, and single ambulacral plate, magnified, b, (after Wright; Coral…
"Pygaster semisulcatus, Ph.; Inf. Oolite, Cheltenham." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
"Ophioglypha lacertosa. A, outline, of the natural size; B, central disc, dorsal view; C, the disc,…
"Ventral surface of disc of an Ophiuroid (Ophiothrix fragilis). g., Openings of genital pockets or bursae;…
"The common British species of Solaster, S. papposus, has ordinarily 13 rays." — Encyclopedia…
The common starfish is a five rayed star. The central body is called the disk and the arms are the rays.
The common starfish is a five rayed star. The central body is called the disk and the arms are the rays.…
"Starfish. I. Ventral surface; t.f., tube-feet extended; a.g., the ambulacral groove with the tube-feet…
"Diagrammatic cross-section of starfish arm. n., Radial nerve; b.v., radial blood vessel according to…
"Starfish is a popular name for any individual of the family Asteridæ, a familiar object on the…
"Starfish is a popular name for any individual of the family Asteridæ, a familiar object on the…
"Asterias rubens. Digestive system. an, anus; card. st, cardiac division of the stomach; int. caec,…
"Starfish is a popular name for any individual of the family Asteridæ, a familiar object on the…
"Starfish is a popular name for any individual of the family Asteridæ, a familiar object on the…
"Starfish is a popular name for any individual of the family Asteridæ, a familiar object on the…