Young shoot of asparagus.


Young shoot of asparagus.

Upper end of stem, showing leaves of asparagus.


Upper end of stem, showing leaves of asparagus.

The leaves of gardenia radicans variegata are margined with white. This shrub grows between one and two feet tall.

Shoot of Gardenia Radicans Variegata

The leaves of gardenia radicans variegata are margined with white. This shrub grows between one and…

"Fahlias and paeonies may be grafted by inserting young shoots into the neck of one of the fleshy roots of each kind respectively the best method of doing so being to cut a triangular section near the upper end of the root, just large enough to admit the young shoot when slightly pared away in two sides to give it a similar form." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"Fahlias and paeonies may be grafted by inserting young shoots into the neck of one of the fleshy roots…

Shoots of briar must be cut back before the rose buds once the buds are safely established.

Shoots of Briar

Shoots of briar must be cut back before the rose buds once the buds are safely established.

"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make a fine young specimen plant, which migt be removed in the course of abot twelve months, while other shoots would no doubt be obtained from the old stem, which, with its head thus removed, might be removed to quarters where steadying if the stem were loaded with a pot or box of soil, as at a in the figure." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"A plant may be operated on wherever the stem has become firm and woody; the top will not fail to make…