Illustration of a Roman soldier, also called a legionary, carrying a shield, short sword, and a short javelin for throwing. He is wearing sandals, traditional armor, and a helmet.

A Roman Soldier, or Legionary, with a Short Javelin and Shield

Illustration of a Roman soldier, also called a legionary, carrying a shield, short sword, and a short…

The image of a Roman legionnaire. He is equipped with a dense breastplate, a helm, a large round shield, greaves, and a short sword.

Arms and Armor

The image of a Roman legionnaire. He is equipped with a dense breastplate, a helm, a large round shield,…

"A Bolo is a short, broad, lance-shaped weapon; used by the Filiinos in their operations against the American troops. The blade is about 18 inches in length by nearly 3 inches in breadth at its broadest dimension. It tapers from the middle toward the haft as well as toward the point, making it strongly resemble the ancient short sword. It is not double edged, however, but tapers from a thick back to an extremely keen edge. In April 1904, the United States troops operating in the Philippines, were supplied with bolos."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Filipino Bolo

"A Bolo is a short, broad, lance-shaped weapon; used by the Filiinos in their operations against the…

"A Bolo is a short, broad, lance-shaped weapon; used by the Filiinos in their operations against the American troops. The blade is about 18 inches in length by nearly 3 inches in breadth at its broadest dimension. It tapers from the middle toward the haft as well as toward the point, making it strongly resemble the ancient short sword. It is not double edged, however, but tapers from a thick back to an extremely keen edge. In April 1904, the United States troops operating in the Philippines, were supplied with bolos."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Filipino Bolo Sheath

"A Bolo is a short, broad, lance-shaped weapon; used by the Filiinos in their operations against the…

A collection of weapons used by the Germanic tribe called the Franks. These are all of their most typically used weapons: a shield, a spear or Germanic spear, a Frankish spear or angon (this is similar to a short javelin), a sword, a knife, and a short axe for battling in close quarters. All of the weapons are standing vertically, except for the short axe, which lies horizontally, underneath the shield. The shield appears to be three-tiered.

Frankish Weapons, Including a Shield, Germanic Spear, Angon, Sword, Knife, and Short Axe

A collection of weapons used by the Germanic tribe called the Franks. These are all of their most typically…

Illustration of an aquilifer carrying the eagle standard for his Roman legion. His left hand sits on the hilt of his short sword. The top of the standard is an eagle sitting on a ring with the portrait of a man inside. The standard-bearer is wearing traditional armor and no helmet.

A Roman Standard-Bearer called an Aquilifer

Illustration of an aquilifer carrying the eagle standard for his Roman legion. His left hand sits on…