Anterior view of humerus (bone of the leg) of the right side. Labels: 1, shaft or diaphysis; 2, the head; 3, anatomical neck; 4, greater tuberosity; 5, lesser tuberosity; 6, the bicipital head; 3, anatomical neck; 4, greater tuberosity; 5, lesser tuberosity; 6, the bicipital groove; 7, external bicipital ridge for pectoralis major; 8, internal bicipital ridge; 9, point of insertion of deltoid muscle: 10, nutritious foramen; 11, face for head of the radius; 12, face for the ulna.


Anterior view of humerus (bone of the leg) of the right side. Labels: 1, shaft or diaphysis; 2, the…

The scapula (shoulder-blade).


The scapula (shoulder-blade).

Venter of scapula. Labels: 1, 1, 1, oblique ridges; 2, 2, fossa for subscapularis muscle; 3, superior border; 4, superior angle; 5, suprascapular notch; 6, coracoid process; 7, acromion process; 8, spine of scapula; 9, articular surface; 10, glenoid cavity; 11, head of scapula; 12, neck; 13, interior border; 14, inferior angle; 15, posterior border; 16, origin of spine.


Venter of scapula. Labels: 1, 1, 1, oblique ridges; 2, 2, fossa for subscapularis muscle; 3, superior…

The right scapula, ventral view.


The right scapula, ventral view.