Illustration of two triangles, showing the sine of the sum of two acute angles expressed in terms of…
Illustration of one possible outcome (no triangle occurs) when discussing the ambiguous case using the…
Illustration of one possible outcome (1 triangle occurs) when discussing the ambiguous case using the…
Illustration of one possible outcome (2 triangles occur) when discussing the ambiguous case using the…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane. The…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane. All…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane. At each…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane with…
Illustration of a unit circle (circle with a radius of 1) superimposed on the coordinate plane. All…
The coversedsine is equal to 1 minus the sine. In this figure, AE is parallel to OB; hence, EO = AC…
Illustration that can be used to show that when given an angle, expressed as an inverse function of…
Illustration of an angle &alpha with the vertex at the center, O, of a circle with radius OB. AC and…
Illustration of an angle &alpha with the terminal side used to draw a triangle in quadrant I.
Illustration of an angle with the terminal side used to draw a triangle in quadrant II.
"In geometry, certain transcendental curves having, in polar coordinates, equations of the form ρ…
"The sine electrometer of August, is a modification of the single pendulum electroscope, analogous in…
Illustration two types of triangles that can be used to model the law of sines. "In a plane triangle…
"The curve of sines, in which the abscissas are proportional to an angle, and the ordinates to its sine."…
Illustration used, with the law of sines, to find the relation between two sides of a spherical triangle…
Illustration of a giant stepladder, sometimes called a skyscraper stepladder, that is opened next to…
Trigonometric reference triangles/angles drawn for 60 degree reference angel in quadrants I and II.
Trigonometric reference triangles/angles drawn for reference angel in quadrants I and II. This illustration…
Right triangle OCA, inside of Circle O is used to show that side AC is "opposite" O and side OC is "adjacent"…