"Diagram of the arterial system of A, Scorpio, and B, Limulus. The Roman numerals indicate the body…
"Portion of a similar embryo at a later stage of growth. The praegenital somite, VII PrG, is still present,…
"Galeodes sp., one of the Solifugae. Ventral view to show legs and somites. I to VI, The six leg-bearing…
"Galeodes sp., one of the Solifugae. I to VI, The six prosomatic limbs cut short. o, The eyes. b, c,…
"Garypus litoralis, one of the Pseudoscorpiones. Dorsal view. I to VI, The prosomatic appendages. o,…
"Garypus litoralis, one of the Pseudoscopions. Lateral view. I to VI, Basal segments of the six prosomatic…
"Section through an early embryo of Limulus longispina, showing seven transverse divisions in the region…
"Diagram of the dorsal surface of Limulus polyphemus. oc, Lateral compound eyes. oc', Central monomeniscous…
"Ventral view of the posterior carapace or meso-metasomatic (opisthosomatic) fusion of Limulus polyphemus.…
"Liphistius desultor. Under side of the uplifted genital or first opisthosomatic somite of the female;…
"Schizomus crassicaudatus, a Tartarid Pedipalp. Dorsal view of a male with the appendages cut short.…
"Diagram of structure of Scopionidae (most of the appendages removed). IV. to XX., fourth to twentieth…
"Thelyphonus, one of the Pedipalpi. A, Ventral view. I, Chelicera (detached). II, Chelae. III, Palpiform…
"Thelyphonus sp. Ventral view of the anterior portion of the body to show the three prosomatic sternal…
"Thelyphonus assamensis, Ventral surface of the anterior region of the opisthosoma, the first somite…
"Triarthrus Becki, Green. a, Restored thoracic limbs in transverse section of the animal; b, section…