Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves. These sound waves come to animals through the air, through water, or throught both air and water. Here we see the auditory organ of a mollusk showing the (a) auditory nerve, (b) the outer wall of connective tissue, (c) cells with auditory hairs, and (d) otolith.

Sense of Hearing

Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves.…

Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves. These sound waves come to animals through the air, through water, or throught both air and water. Here we see the auditory organ of a cray fish showing the auditory sac at the base.

Sense of Hearing

Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves.…

Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves. These sound waves come to animals through the air, through water, or throught both air and water. Here we see the auditory organ of a grasshopper located in the abdomen.

Sense of Hearing

Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves.…

Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves. These sound waves come to animals through the air, through water, or throught both air and water. Here we see the auditory organ of a cricket showing the auditory organ in the foreleg.

Sense of Hearing

Hearing is the perception of certain vibrations of bodies. These vibrations give rise to sound waves.…

Koenig's manometric flame apparatus was a laboratory instrument invented in 1862 by the German physicist Rudolph Koenig, and used to visualize sound waves. It was the nearest equivalent of the modern oscilloscope in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Manometric Flame Apparatus

Koenig's manometric flame apparatus was a laboratory instrument invented in 1862 by the German physicist…

Sound making amoung animals serves to aid in frightening away enemies or in warnng companions of their approach, for recognition among mates and members of a band or species. It also aids in the attracting and wooing of mates, and the interchange of information. The annoying, high-pitched, whining sound mosquitoes make is caused by their wings rapidly beating hundred of times per second. This diagram shows the auditory hairs on the antennae of a mosquito.

Sound Making

Sound making amoung animals serves to aid in frightening away enemies or in warnng companions of their…

Edison invented and developed the carbon microphone used in all telephones along with the Bell receiver until the 1980s. After protracted patent litigation, in 1892 a federal court ruled that Edison and not Emile Berliner—was the inventor of the carbon microphone. The carbon microphone was also used in radio broadcasting and public address work through the 1920s.

Telephone Transmitter Carbon Microphone

Edison invented and developed the carbon microphone used in all telephones along with the Bell receiver…

A tin can telephone is a type of voice-transmitting device made up of two tin cans, paper cups or similar articles attached to either end of a string.

Tin Can Telephone

A tin can telephone is a type of voice-transmitting device made up of two tin cans, paper cups or similar…