"This was a small round shield, made of the hide ofa quadruped." — Anthon, 1891


"This was a small round shield, made of the hide ofa quadruped." — Anthon, 1891

A throwing stick being used by Australian natives. Crafted during the Reindeer age.

Reindeer age articles, Throwing stick being used

A throwing stick being used by Australian natives. Crafted during the Reindeer age.

Illustration of a drawing in <I>The Harley Psalter</I>, an illuminated manuscript of the second and third decades of the 11th century. Two Anglo-Saxon warriors ride horseback wielding an axe and long spear or javelin. Both horses are rearing up, their front legs off the ground. Both weapons are raised. The warrior in front has dark hair while the hair of the one behind appears to be lighter-colored.

Two Anglo-Saxon Warriors on Horseback

Illustration of a drawing in The Harley Psalter, an illuminated manuscript of the second and third decades…

Illustration of a great multitude of Visigoth warriors, along with the booty they had taken from Rome, including slaves, cattle, on the march into the south of Italy. Some goths ride horses, their spears raised in triumph, while other drive carts pulled by oxen, carrying their bounty. Alaric was the first King of the Visigoths from AD 395–410.

Visigoths, Under the Rule of Alaric, on the March after Sacking Rome

Illustration of a great multitude of Visigoth warriors, along with the booty they had taken from Rome,…

"After the fall of Athens Sparta stood without a rival in Greece." &mdash; Smith, 1882

Greek warriot

"After the fall of Athens Sparta stood without a rival in Greece." — Smith, 1882

An assortment of lances, darts, and pikes.


An assortment of lances, darts, and pikes.

A young man standing in a canoe holding a spear and a shield against a mountainous background.

Young Brave

A young man standing in a canoe holding a spear and a shield against a mountainous background.