"A cleaving tool having a wedge-shaped blade, with a handle set at right angles to the length of the blade, used in splitting staves for casks and the like. It is driven by a mallet." -Whitney, 1911


"A cleaving tool having a wedge-shaped blade, with a handle set at right angles to the length of the…

"In this machine the knife or cutter a is an endless band of steel which revolves at considerable speed with its cutting edges close to the sides of a pair of rollers through which the leather is fed and pressed against the knife. The lower of these rollers is made of short segments or rings, each separately capable of yielding to some extent so as to accommodate itself to the inequal thickness of various parts of a hide." —The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Splitting Machine

"In this machine the knife or cutter a is an endless band of steel which revolves at considerable speed…