Capture of a British Spy by Americans.

Paulding, Van Wart, and Williams Capturing Major Andre

Capture of a British Spy by Americans.

A monument to mark the spot of the site where the British spy Andre was hanged and buried in 1780.

Monument to Andre

A monument to mark the spot of the site where the British spy Andre was hanged and buried in 1780.

(1750-1835) Spy for the Continental army during the American revolutionary War

Enoch Crosby

(1750-1835) Spy for the Continental army during the American revolutionary War

General George Armstrong Custer with a Union spy. Custer is most known for his "last stand" at the Battle of Little Bighorn in Montana in 1876 where he was defeated and killed.

General Custer

General George Armstrong Custer with a Union spy. Custer is most known for his "last stand" at the Battle…

The house of Lydia Darrah (1728-1789). Lydia was a midwife and Philadelphia's first female undertaker. When British troops occupied Philadelphia in 1777, General William Howe took up residence across the street from the Darrah home. Lydia regularly collected information by eavesdropping and sent this information in code to the Continental Army.

Lydia Darrah's House

The house of Lydia Darrah (1728-1789). Lydia was a midwife and Philadelphia's first female undertaker.…

An illustration of one man looking over another man's shoulder.

Man Looking Over Shoulder

An illustration of one man looking over another man's shoulder.

The activity of the Confederates on the Potomac and the confluent rivers was almost incredible. In one night some point hitherto defenseless was made to bristle with cannon, and the first intimation of its locality was a leaden messenger winging its way on its mission of death. A party of the Tenth Regiment of New York Zuoaves, while out scouting through a dense wood, came suddenly in sight of Messech's Point, and there beheld the Confederates at work upon an almost completed battery, which had sprung up with magical rapidity.

Discovery of a Confederate Battery at Messech's Point

The activity of the Confederates on the Potomac and the confluent rivers was almost incredible. In one…

Scouting party of the ninth Indian volunteers, or, as they were called, "The tigers of the bloody ninth."

Scouting Party

Scouting party of the ninth Indian volunteers, or, as they were called, "The tigers of the bloody ninth."

Image of a Confederate spy.

Confederate Spy

Image of a Confederate spy.

"The spy-glass or terrestrial telescope avoids the inversion of the image by the interposition of two double-convex lenses, m and n, between the objective and eyepiece. The rays diverging from the inverted image at I cross between m and n, and form an erect magnified, virtual image at ab." — Avery, 1895

Terrestrial Telescope

"The spy-glass or terrestrial telescope avoids the inversion of the image by the interposition of two…

An illustration of two women peeking around the corner of a house.

Two Women Peeking Around a Corner

An illustration of two women peeking around the corner of a house.