"The Shetland Argus, <em>Astrophyton scutatum, usually more than a foot across, is sometimes found on the British coast." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Shetland argus

"The Shetland Argus, Astrophyton scutatum, usually more than a foot across, is sometimes found on

Among the several species of Brittle-Star found in the British seas is the Common Brittle-Star, <em>Ophicoma rosula</em>, which displays the most varied hues, arranged in beautiful patterns." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Common brittle-star

Among the several species of Brittle-Star found in the British seas is the Common Brittle-Star, Ophicoma

"In this family the arms appear to be merely prolongations of the disc; they are suaully five in number, and the plates from which the ambulacra are exserted are placed in deep furrows, which run along the lower surface of the arms." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Five-fingered jack

"In this family the arms appear to be merely prolongations of the disc; they are suaully five in number,…

"Among the British species are the Common Sand-Star, <em>Ophiura texturata</em>." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"Among the British species are the Common Sand-Star, Ophiura texturata." — Goodrich,…