Fragments of striped (striated) muscle fibers, showing a cleavage in opposite directions, magnified 300 diameters. Striped muscle is nearly always under the control of the will, and is often spoken of as voluntary muscle. Labels: A, longitudinal cleavage; c, fibrillae separated from one another at the broken end of the fiber; c'c", single fibrils more highly magnified, in c; the elementary structures are square, in c" round; B, transverse cleavage; a, b, partially detached disks; b' detached disk, more highly magnified, showing the sarcous elements.

Fragments of Striped (Striated) Muscle Fibers

Fragments of striped (striated) muscle fibers, showing a cleavage in opposite directions, magnified…

Striped, or striated, muscle which quickly contracts causing the alternating black and white lines. It has very delicate fibers (M FL). It is stimulated by nerve fibers (N F), which divide into an endplate (N E) on the contracting surface. N are nuclei, which are a part of elongated cells that fused together to make the muscle. M stands for muscle and N, except for nuclei, stands for nerve.

Striated Muscle

Striped, or striated, muscle which quickly contracts causing the alternating black and white lines.…