In light of overwhelming enemy strength and the relatively heavy casualties his army suffered in the…
The place where Johnston surrendered to Sherman in the American Civil War.
General leaving after the surrender of the American Civil War.
"Marcus Aurelius receiving the submission of German captives. (From a Bas-relief in the Capitoline Museum,…
The McLean residence, at the Appomattox Courthouse, where General Lee met with General Grant to sign…
Columbus arriving at Granada in time to see the final surrender of the Moors to the Spanish Army.
Pemberton's Headquarters is a two-story brick house that served as the headquarters for Confederate…
Peter Stuyvesant, protesting vehemently against the signing of a treaty of surrender to the English
Governor Stuyvesant tearing up the letter demanding the surrender of New Amsterdam.
Genereal Johnson surrendering to Union General Sherman.
The Battle of Veracruz was a 20-day siege of the key Mexican seaport of Veracruz, during the Mexican-American…