"The Curl-Crested Aracari is deserving of notice on account of its beautiful, variegated plumage."

Curl-Crested Aracari

"The Curl-Crested Aracari is deserving of notice on account of its beautiful, variegated plumage."

"The Leadbeater's Cockatoo is a remarkably handsome bird, which calls forth much admiration."

Molucca Cockatoo

"The Leadbeater's Cockatoo is a remarkably handsome bird, which calls forth much admiration."

The Lory is a climbing bird distinguished by the fact that the feet have four toes each, of which two are turned backwards and two forwards.


The Lory is a climbing bird distinguished by the fact that the feet have four toes each, of which two…

"The female does not build a nest or cover her eggs; neither does she take care of her young. The eggs are laid in the nests of other birds and the care of hatching the eggs and feeding their young is left to these strangers."

Pheasant Cuckoo

"The female does not build a nest or cover her eggs; neither does she take care of her young. The eggs…