This illustration shows the plantigrade leg of a bear. Plantigrade means that the animal walks flat…
"Carrion-beetle (Silpha inaequalis). a, larva; d, same; f, g, h, mandible, labium, and maxilla of larva;…
Erotylus boisduvali, a fungus beetle. "e, beetle; f, palpus; g, tarsus, from below; h, terminal joint…
"1. Lower mandible. 2. Upper mandible. 3. Forehead. 4. Loral space. 5. Crown of the head. 6. Hind part…
"fig. 25 - Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, circumocular region. 4, crown (vertex).…
"Botaurus. Bittern. Bill moderately longer than head, shorter than tarsus, which is shorter than middle…
"Sterna anaisthetikos. Bridled Tern. The foot of a Bridled Tern; Tarsus .85; middle toe the same, with…
"Figure shows Scutellate laminiplanter tarsus of a cat-bird. A tarsus so disposed as to its podotheca…
"Ventral aspect of male cockroach with the wings extended. An imaginary median line has been inserted.…
"Leg of cockroach. c., Broad expanded coxa; tr., trochanter; f., femur; ti., tibia; ta., six-jointed…
Bones of the foot, side view. In this figure the bones of the tarsus extend from the heel to a;…
Bones of the foot. At e d f g h are the 7 bones of the tarsus; at a are the 5 bones…
"Bones of Human Foot, or Pes, the third principal segment of the hind limb, consisting of tarsus, metatarsus,…
Oblique anteroposterior section of foot, to show the synovial cavities of the tarsus. Labels: 1, tibia;…
"Chroicocephalus atricilla. Laughing Gull. Black-headed Gull. Bill longer than middle toe and claw,…
This illustration shows a front view of a human leg. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA.…
This illustration shows a human leg (front view), and comparative diagrams showing modifications of…
This illustration shows a side view of a human leg. P. Pelvis, FE. Femur, TI. Tibia, FI. Fibula, TA.…
"Scutelliplantar foot of horned lark: the tarsus scutellate before and behind, and the toes all scutellate…
A medal of Tarsus which suggest that Minerva, the goddess of arts and sciences, was revered there. In…
"Haematopus. Oyster-catcher. Bill peculiar - longer than tarsus, twice as long as head, constricted…
"The Penguins are aquatic birds confined to the high S. latitudes or both hemispheres, where they congregate…
The polar bear, Plantigrada, is part of the subdivision Carnivora, which includes other carnivorous…
The anatomy of a polar bear's leg. a, femur (thigh); b, tibia (leg); c, tarsus and metatarsus (foot);…
Bones of left tarsus of a horse, seen from in front and outside. Labels: 1, calcaneum; 2, astragalus;…
An illustration of the front left tarsus of a penguin. "a, articular facet for inner condyle of tibia;…
"Sterna fuliginosa. Sooty Tern. feet stout; toes short; with much incised webs; tibia bare .70; tarsus…