In Norse mythology, Siegfried is a brave young man who comes upon a hill filled with fire. He runs straight through the flames to find Brunhild, a shieldmaiden, sleeping until someone was brave enough to find her.

Siegfried Finds Brunhild

In Norse mythology, Siegfried is a brave young man who comes upon a hill filled with fire. He runs straight…

"Valkyrie bearing a Hero to Valhalla" — Gayley, 1893


"Valkyrie bearing a Hero to Valhalla" — Gayley, 1893

"In Old Norse mythology, the maiden attendants of Odin, who, at his command, rode over battlefields and bore the souls of the bravest of the slain to Valhalla, Odin's great hall." -Foster, 1921


"In Old Norse mythology, the maiden attendants of Odin, who, at his command, rode over battlefields…