Group of soldiers escorting a corpse on a wagon.
An illustration of a group of fleas doing various activities seen in a circus. Some fleas are pulling…
A wagon comprised to carry the essential equipment for blacksmiths and artisans to perform their work.
This is a detachable harness type of horse tack that allows a horse or other equine to pull various…
A horse harness is a type of horse tack that allows a horse or other equine to pull various horse-drawn…
The Great Seal of the State of Kansas, 1861. The seal pictures a sunrise, a steamboat, plowing, a wagon,…
"Manassasas Junction, showing the evacuated Confederate fortifications, abondoned camps and wagons,…
A manure spreader in operation. The manure was pitched from the stable to the spreader, handled only…
The Great Seal of the State of Oregon. The seal shows mountains, an elk, a wagon, and the Pacific Ocean.
A man and woman drive an Electric Motor Phaeton, a carriage with an electrical motor.
"A cart or wagon. It had commonly two wheels, but sometimes four, and it was then called the plaustrum…
"Side-delivery rake, a horse-rake in which the rake is suspended between the axle of the pair of wheels…
A sled, sledge, or sleigh is a vehicle that moves by sliding. Usually runners or a smooth underside…
A van is a kind of vehicle used for transporting goods or groups of people. It is usually a box-shaped…
This is a convertible toy vehicle which resembles a cart wagon. The front set of wheels are smaller…
A tracked vehicle is a vehicle that runs on continuous tracks instead of wheels. The principal design…
A wagon used for carrying milk. A wagon or dray is a heavy four-wheeled vehicle. Wagons are distinguished…
This portable wagon is a loading machine that brings together a swinging table arranged to be lowered…
This wagon is a heavy four wheeled vehicle which is used to transport various kinds of cargo.
This is an early stage dumpster. The main difficulty was that the waste collectors needed to lift the…
The present invention is directed to a mobile, transportable sugar cane wagon unloader which may be…