The red ants, here a winged male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the year.
The red ants, here a wingless neutered male, are produced in great numbers at particular times of the…
Also known as cow killers, are not actually ants but a type of wasp. they get their name from their…
The namaqua bee-eater, native to Western Africa. Its diet consists of insects, particularly bees and…
Mud Daubers plaster their nests against out-houses, in all sorts of corners and under all sorts of shelters
Gall-fly is a name applied to the members of the family Cynipidae, which are not flies, but are related…
"Hornet is the largest species of wasp found in America. The thorax is mostly black; the abdomen is…
This female parasitic wasp has a strong boring ovipositor for laying eggs in holes she drills in trees.
This female parasitic wasp has a strong boring ovipositor for laying eggs in holes she drills in trees.
The Ichneumonoidea are insects classified in the hymenopteran suborder Apocrita. The super family is…
Sarcostyles from the wing muscle of a wasp. A, A'. A sarcostyles showing degrees of retraction. B. A…
"On the continent of Europe the Sirex gigas often appears in immense numbers, and does great…
"Corn Sawfly: a, maggot, natural size; b, maggot, magnified; c, the maggot in its ear in the stem of…
The securifera or saws of the sawfly (Lophyrus suffusus), an insect related to the wasps and bees.
"Clear-winged moths, Sesiidae, day-fliers, and looking more like bees, wasps, and ichneumons which they…
A genus of insects somewhat resembling bees, but differing fromm them in having a more powerful sting,…
This illustration shows a Blastophaga grossorum: a, adult female with wings extended, seen from above;…
The cocoon of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
The larva of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…
The pupa of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects as…
The female adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
The male adult of Sigalphus curculionis, a species of parasitoid wasps. These insects use other insects…
Eupelmus floridanus is a species of Chalcid wasp, a parasitic insect in the Eupelmidae family.
Embolimus americanus is a species of wasp belonging to the Proctotrupoidea superfamily of various wasps.
Chalybion caeruleum. "A family of fossorial hymenopters, or digger wasps. The prothorax is narrowed…