The Alderfly (Sialis infumata) is an insect in the Megaloptera order of alderflies, dobsonflies, and…
The swallowtail butterfly (Papilio machaon) is a large colorful butterfly with atleast 550 species.
The Yellow-Tailed Tachina Fly (Belvosia unifasciata) is an insect in the Tachinidae family and is also…
The garden tiger moth (Arctia caja) is named for the different and colorful patterns on its wings.
The Garden Tiger Moth (Arctia caja) is a species of tiger moths that are also known by the synonym Euprepia…
The Milkweed Tiger Moth (Euchaetes egle) is an insect in the Arctiidae family of tiger moths.
Eupelmus floridanus is a species of Chalcid wasp, a parasitic insect in the Eupelmidae family.
Embolimus americanus is a species of wasp belonging to the Proctotrupoidea superfamily of various wasps.
The dorsal view of the Ensign Wasp (Evania laevigata), an insect in the Evaniidae family.
Encyrtus cecidomyiae is a species of wasp in the Encyrtidae family of parasitic wasps.