"Hot-wire instruments working on the sag principle can be used in any position if properly contructed,…
"Consists of a coil of wire wound in two broad grooves plowed on opposite sides of an iron cylinder."…
"Atwood's Machine. This difficulty has however been overcome by a curious piece of machinery invented…
Carbon electrodes are formed by molding mixtures of graphite powder and pitch into solid pieces and…
"D is a needle, formed of light silver wire, suspended by a fine glass fiber, from a torsion head A.…
"Diadems or head fillets of pure hammered gold cut into thin plates, attached to rings by double gold…
"Figure 5-Instruments for blowing eggs; a,b, blow-pipes, 1/2 natural size; c, wire for cleansing them;…
"The electric screen. A screen of wire gauze surrounding a delicate electrical instrument will protect…
An insulator is a material that resists the flow of electric current. An insulating material has atoms…
"A copper wire coiled, by winding it around a piece of wood. The turns of the wire should be close together…
"If the conducting wire is bent into the form shown, the lines of force will pas around the wire from…
"A fraise is a palisade horizontal, or nearly so, projecting from the scarp or counterscarp. A modern…
"Wire-gage, a gage for measuring the thickness of wire and sheet-metal. It is usually a plate of steel…
"It is of gold plate, so thick as to require no "piping" at the back to sustain it; but in general the…
"Cut-out ground detector using lamps for a three wire circuit." —Croft 1920
One of the sets of vertical cords or wires in a loom, forming the principal part of the harness that…
A line or cord about one hundred and fifty fathoms in length, used for ascertaining the speed of a vessel.
"The coils of wire may begin near one pole of the magnet and terminate near the other, or the wire may…
"Bring the two ends of the wire into contact, and thus close the circuit. The needle instantly flies…
"Palisades should be planted to incline slightly to the front. As little earth should be disturbed in…
"The parting vessels are of porcelain which, to protect them against fracture by irregular heating,…
"Firmly fasten one end of a piece of spring-brass wire, about No. 27 and about 1 m. long so that the…
"A cartridge containing shot instead of a bullet, and intended to serve various purposes. a, paper case…
"Interior mechanism of a spinet. A, Jack; B, tongue; C, quill; D, bristle; E, cloth damper; F, pivot;…
Tightrope walking is the art of walking along a thin wire or rope, usually at a great height. One or…
"Direction of the needle when placed at a right angle to the uniting wire." -Comstock 1850
"...with the uniting wire on the east side." -Comstock 1850
"Direction of the needle when placed vertical next to the uniting wire." -Comstock 1850
"Rotation of a Wheel. The same force which throws the wire away from the mercury, will cause the rotation…
"In the high entanglement the stakes average 4 feet from the ground, and the wiring is horizontal and…
"An ordinary barbed-wire fence is a considerable obstacle if well swept by fire. It becomes more formidable…
"Vibration of a wire. A conducting copper wire, w, is suspended by a loop from a hook of the same metal,…