A small red tart berry commonly used in baking (muffins and cakes). It is native to North America and Canada.


A small red tart berry commonly used in baking (muffins and cakes). It is native to North America and…

"The Great Bakery for the United States Army at the Capitol, Washington, D. C.- sketched by our special artist. The public buildings in Washington, during the threatened invasion by the Confederates, were barricaded and fortified. So great was the apprehension of a raid upon the city, that the passageways of the Treasury and the Captiol wre defended by howitzers. The iron plates cast for the dome of the Capitol were set up as breastworks between the columns, where they were supported by heavy timbers. The statuary and the pictures were protected by heaving planking; and the basement of the building was used as a kitchen. When the regiments began to pour in, the public buildings were given as quarters to the troops which came to defend them. The basement of the Capitol, which we illustrate, became first a storehouse, and then a bakery." — Frank Leslie, 1896

Great Bakery

"The Great Bakery for the United States Army at the Capitol, Washington, D. C.- sketched by our special…

A Roman bakery


A Roman bakery

"Showing a Bit of Common Yeast Cake when mixed with Water and examined under the Microscope. There are large numbers of minute oval bodies, inside of which may commonly be seen one of more smaller bodies knows as <em>vacuoles</em>, shown in <em>a</em> and <em>b</em>. <em>c</em> shows a nucleus, <em>n</em>, inside of the yeast cell; <em>d shows a budding cell with the nucleus dividing; <em>e</em> shows the cell divided, the new cell containing a bit of the old nucleus." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Yeast cake

"Showing a Bit of Common Yeast Cake when mixed with Water and examined under the Microscope. There are…

"A baker, from pinsere, to pound, since corn was pounded in mortars before the invention of mills. At Rome bread was originally made at home by the women of the house; and there were no persons at Rome who made baking a trade, or any slaves specially kept for this purpose in private houses, till B.C. 173. The name was also given to pastry-cooks and confectioners, in which case they were usually called pistores dulciarii or candidarii. Bread was often baked in moulds called artoptae, and the loaves thus baked were termed artopticii. In one of the bake-houses discovered at Pompeii, several loaves have been found apparently baked in moulds, which may therefore be regarded as artoptieii; they are represented in the preceding cut. They are flat, and about eight inches in diameter. Bread was not generally made at home at Athens, but was sold in the market-place chiefly by women. These women seem to have been what the fish-women of London are at present; they excelled in abuse." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"A baker, from pinsere, to pound, since corn was pounded in mortars before the invention of mills. At…

Women learning how to cook


Women learning how to cook

A brush broom used for sprinkling baking-powder.

Brush Broom

A brush broom used for sprinkling baking-powder.

A box or case of hard potery in which porcelain and othe delicate ceramic wares are inclosed for baking.


A box or case of hard potery in which porcelain and othe delicate ceramic wares are inclosed for baking.

An illustration of a man holding a large bread board and a young girl holding a tray with a loaf of bread.

Man & Child Baking Bread

An illustration of a man holding a large bread board and a young girl holding a tray with a loaf of…

An illustration of an Egyptian hieroglyphic depicting Egyptians baking bricks.

Brick Baking

An illustration of an Egyptian hieroglyphic depicting Egyptians baking bricks.

This cooking stove is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely on the application of direct heat for the cooking process and may also contain an oven, used for baking.

Cooking Stove

This cooking stove is a kitchen appliance designed for the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely…

This kitchen appliance was designed for the purpose of cooking food. This stove relies on the application of direct heat for the cooking process and may also contain an oven used for food baking purposes.

Cooking Stove

This kitchen appliance was designed for the purpose of cooking food. This stove relies on the application…