Hera with peacock


Hera with peacock

Lyre-bird, an Australian bird, the male of which has the tail feathers arranged to look like a lyre.

Lyre bird

Lyre-bird, an Australian bird, the male of which has the tail feathers arranged to look like a lyre.

At the commencement of spring the male displays to the females all the splendor of his plumage; he struts, spreads his tail, and delights at the sight of his own figure, (Figuier, 1869).


At the commencement of spring the male displays to the females all the splendor of his plumage; he struts,…

"The animal struts about, and, lifting its tail in the air, spreads it like a fan, and seems to be very foolishly proud of its beauty" (Hooker, 1886).


"The animal struts about, and, lifting its tail in the air, spreads it like a fan, and seems to be very…

The peacock is in the pheasant family


The peacock is in the pheasant family

A peacock pirched high upon a branch.


A peacock pirched high upon a branch.

A frame with many different species of birds.

Bird Frame

A frame with many different species of birds.

The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have been domesticated in Europe and Asia.


The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…

The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have been domesticated in Europe and Asia.


The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…

"The Peacock-butterfly, <em>V. Io</em>, has the edges of the wings denticulated; above they are of a reddish-fawn, with a large eye-spot on each; those on the superior wings are red, encircled, with mingled black and yellow; those o nthe inferior ones are blue, with a black circle. It is a splendid European species, inhabiting woods, meadows, and gardens in October." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Peacock Butterfly

"The Peacock-butterfly, V. Io, has the edges of the wings denticulated; above they are of a…

"A Fan is an instrument used by ladies to agitate the air, and cool the face, in warm weather; hence, anything in the form of a woman's fan when spread; as, the fan of a peacock's tail, etc."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

17th Century French Fan

"A Fan is an instrument used by ladies to agitate the air, and cool the face, in warm weather; hence,…

"A Fan is an instrument used by ladies to agitate the air, and cool the face, in warm weather; hence, anything in the form of a woman's fan when spread; as, the fan of a peacock's tail, etc."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

18th Century Spanish Shell Fan

"A Fan is an instrument used by ladies to agitate the air, and cool the face, in warm weather; hence,…

"A seat or chair, was more particularly applied to a soft seat used by women, whereas sella signified a seat common to both sexes. The cathedrae were, no doubt, of various forms and sizes; but they usually appear to have had backs to them. On the cathedra in the annexed cut, is seated a bride, who is being fanned by a female slave with a fan made of peacock's feathers. Women were also accustomed to be carried abroad in these cathedrae instead of in lecticae, which practice was sometimes adopted by effeminate persons of the other sex. The word cathedra was also applied to the chair or pulpit from which lectures were read." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"A seat or chair, was more particularly applied to a soft seat used by women, whereas sella signified…

A peacock on the terrace, with a girl feeding it.


A peacock on the terrace, with a girl feeding it.

The male of a gallinaceous fowl, about the size of the turkey. The rump feathers are long and capable of being erected, and ech is marked with a black spot, around which brilliant metalic colors are arranged.


The male of a gallinaceous fowl, about the size of the turkey. The rump feathers are long and capable…

A class of beautiful birds of the pheasant family, native to southeastern Asia. In the wild state peacocks are met with mostly while perching in trees, but they make their nests on the ground, where the peahen lays from twenty to thirty eggs in the early spring and may later be seen in company with a large brood of young, usually from ten to twenty.


A class of beautiful birds of the pheasant family, native to southeastern Asia. In the wild state peacocks…

A large colorful bird with a colorful tail.


A large colorful bird with a colorful tail.

A well-known colorful butterfly found in Europe and Asia.

Peacock Butterfly

A well-known colorful butterfly found in Europe and Asia.

"Ventral view of a restoration of Palaeophonus Hunteri, Pocock, the Silurian scorpion from Lesmahagow, Scotland. Restored by R. I. Peacock. The meeting of the coxae of all the prosomatic limbs in front of the pentagonal sternum; the space for a genital operculum; the pair of pectens, and the absence of any evidence of pulmonary stigmata are noticeable in this specimen." &mdash; The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Palaeophonus Hunteri

"Ventral view of a restoration of Palaeophonus Hunteri, Pocock, the Silurian scorpion from Lesmahagow,…

(1781-1813) American naval officer who fought in the War of 1812, commanded the Peacock and the Chesapeake. "Don't give up the ship!"

James Lawrence

(1781-1813) American naval officer who fought in the War of 1812, commanded the Peacock and the Chesapeake.…

"The family of Pavonidae comprehends the Peacock." The male bird forms the beautiful array of tail feathers each Spring.


"The family of Pavonidae comprehends the Peacock." The male bird forms the beautiful array of tail feathers…

"The Peacock Butterfly is very easily recognized by the peacock's eyes - to the number of four, one on each wing - which have gained for it the name it bears."

Peacock Butterfly (Vanessa Io)

"The Peacock Butterfly is very easily recognized by the peacock's eyes - to the number of four, one…

An illustration of a peacock beneath a tree filled with smaller birds.

Peacock and Tree

An illustration of a peacock beneath a tree filled with smaller birds.

Lewis Warrington (3 November 1782 &ndash; 12 October 1851) was an officer in the United States Navy during the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812. He temporarily served as the Secretary of the Navy.Promoted to Master Commandant in July 1813, he took command of the sloop-of-war Peacock later in the year. On 12 March 1814, he put to sea with his new command bound for the naval station at St. Mary's, Georgia. After delivering supplies to that installation, he encountered the British brig Epervier off Cape Canaveral, Florida. Peacock emerged victorious from a brisk 45-minute exchange with that opponent, inflicting 10 times her own losses on the enemy. For his role in the victory, Warrington received the Thanks of Congress in the form of a Congressional Gold Medal.

Lewis Warrington

Lewis Warrington (3 November 1782 – 12 October 1851) was an officer in the United States Navy…

Lewis Warrington (3 November 1782 &ndash; 12 October 1851) was an officer in the United States Navy during the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

Warrington Medal (front)

Lewis Warrington (3 November 1782 – 12 October 1851) was an officer in the United States Navy…

Lewis Warrington (3 November 1782 &ndash; 12 October 1851) was an officer in the United States Navy during the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812. He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

Warrington Medal (back)

Lewis Warrington (3 November 1782 – 12 October 1851) was an officer in the United States Navy…

This feather hat is an early 20th century design. It has a feather design that flares open like a peacock in the front of the hat.

Feather Hat

This feather hat is an early 20th century design. It has a feather design that flares open like a peacock…

"A plume of feathers, generally those of the peacock, set upright, so as to form a crest. The Panache was almost always regarded as a crest."—Aveling, 1891


"A plume of feathers, generally those of the peacock, set upright, so as to form a crest. The Panache…

A decorative capital letter O with two peacock feathers in the background.

Capital Letter O

A decorative capital letter O with two peacock feathers in the background.

A peacock; pavo linnaeus


A peacock; pavo linnaeus

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 ASV
<p>Illustration of God sitting on a cloud with his arms outstretched as he creates the earth. He has a triangular halo behind his head. Adam and Eve (left) stand partially hidden by plants and Adam reaches out to the animals, including an elephant, turtle, snake, rooster, lion, rabbit, horse, peacock, tropical bird, sheep, duck, elk, and goat.

The Creation of the World - Adam and Eve, Animals, Plants,

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 ASV Illustration of God sitting…