"In <em>optics</em>, a deviation in the rays of light when unequally refracted by a lens or reflected by a mirror, so that they do not converge and meet in a point or focus, but separate, forming an indistinct image of the object, or an indistinct image with prismatically colored edges."-Wright, 1902


"In optics, a deviation in the rays of light when unequally refracted by a lens or reflected…

"The photographer's camera corresponds to the camera-obscura. A darkened box, adjustable in length, takes the place of the darkened room, and an achromatic convex lens is substituted for the aperture in the shutter." — Avery, 1895

Bellows Camera

"The photographer's camera corresponds to the camera-obscura. A darkened box, adjustable in length,…

"An optical instrument employed for exhibiting the images of objects in their forms and colors, so that they may be traced and a picture drawn, or may be represented by photography. A simple camera obscura is presented by a darkened chamber into which no light is permitted to enter excepting by a small hole in the window-shutter. A picture of the objects opposite the hole will then be seen on the wall or on a white screen placed opposite the opening." &mdash; Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919

Camera Obscura

"An optical instrument employed for exhibiting the images of objects in their forms and colors, so that…

An aluminum set of disks that correctly finds the time needed to develop photos in solution

Watkins's Factorial Calculator

An aluminum set of disks that correctly finds the time needed to develop photos in solution

A diagrammatic illustration of how a photograph is produced.


A diagrammatic illustration of how a photograph is produced.

Eastman's Kodak camera from Switzerland in 1907.

Kodak Camera, 1907

Eastman's Kodak camera from Switzerland in 1907.

An illustration of a woman in a long dress and hat standing behind a camera.

Woman Standing Behind Camera

An illustration of a woman in a long dress and hat standing behind a camera.

In photography, a negative may refer to three different things, although they are all related. A negative comes in long narrow strips of chemical-coated plastic. When the film is developed it is a long strip of small negative images. A negative image is a tonal inversion of a positive image, in which light areas appear dark and vice versa. A negative color image is additionally color reversed, with red areas appearing cyan, greens appearing magenta and blues appearing yellow. In negative film, Many photographic processes create negative images: the chemicals involved react when exposed to light, and during developing these exposed chemicals are retained and become opaque while the unexposed chemicals are washed away.

Photographic Negative Treatment

In photography, a negative may refer to three different things, although they are all related. A negative…