An evergreen vine which attaches itself to the ground like ivy. The betel pepper has larger berries than most peppers. In the East Indies and South Pacific inhabitants consider the betel pepper as a necessity of life, and the leaf, with quicklime and the areca nut is chewed.

Betel pepper

An evergreen vine which attaches itself to the ground like ivy. The betel pepper has larger berries…

Pictorial corner with kettles and vine

Pictorial corner

Pictorial corner with kettles and vine

Tendrils, such as these of the Virginia Creeper, are very slender, leafless branches, used to enable certain plants to climb.


Tendrils, such as these of the Virginia Creeper, are very slender, leafless branches, used to enable…

A twig of the grape-vine.


A twig of the grape-vine.

Grapes grow in clusters on vining stems.


Grapes grow in clusters on vining stems.

Beans are in the legume family.


Beans are in the legume family.

Grapes grow on a vine and can be used for fruit or wine.

Grape Vine

Grapes grow on a vine and can be used for fruit or wine.

Vine band, red on black.

Greek Band Design

Vine band, red on black.

Carved vine border at St. Vitale.


Carved vine border at St. Vitale.

Early English carving from church at Stone, Kent.


Early English carving from church at Stone, Kent.

Early English carving from Ely Cathedral.


Early English carving from Ely Cathedral.

A dilapidated farmhouse made attractive by vines and flowers.

Dilapidated farmhouse

A dilapidated farmhouse made attractive by vines and flowers.

A grape cutting.

Grape cutting

A grape cutting.

A grapevine sprung from a small cutting after one year.


A grapevine sprung from a small cutting after one year.

"Flower of the grape vine; Anticuous Anthers."-Whitney, 1902

Grapevine Flower

"Flower of the grape vine; Anticuous Anthers."-Whitney, 1902

"Fungi are either parasitic or, what is much the same thing, saprophytic– i. e., dependant upon decaying organic matter for food. The fungi are many of them a trouble in agriculture, causing corn, hop, and vine mildew, potato disease, and also salmon disease; others, like the mushroom, are saprophytes."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Rafflesia Harrelli

"Fungi are either parasitic or, what is much the same thing, saprophytic– i. e., dependant upon…

"Fungi are either parasitic or, what is much the same thing, saprophytic– i. e., dependant upon decaying organic matter for food. The fungi are many of them a trouble in agriculture, causing corn, hop, and vine mildew, potato disease, and also salmon disease; others, like the mushroom, are saprophytes."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Scybalium Fungiforme

"Fungi are either parasitic or, what is much the same thing, saprophytic– i. e., dependant upon…

"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach themselves to various plants, on the juice of which they feed, and which they often injure or destroy. P. vastatrix is the name given to an insect of this family, which, since 1865, has committed great devastation in the vineyards of France. Great numbers of this insect appear on the roots of the vine, where they produce galls, and their punctures are so numerous and incessant that the roots can no longer supply nutriment to the plant, which fades and dies. There is a form which lives on the leaves, also producing galls."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach…

"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach themselves to various plants, on the juice of which they feed, and which they often injure or destroy. P. vastatrix is the name given to an insect of this family, which, since 1865, has committed great devastation in the vineyards of France. Great numbers of this insect appear on the roots of the vine, where they produce galls, and their punctures are so numerous and incessant that the roots can no longer supply nutriment to the plant, which fades and dies. There is a form which lives on the leaves, also producing galls."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach…

"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach themselves to various plants, on the juice of which they feed, and which they often injure or destroy. P. vastatrix is the name given to an insect of this family, which, since 1865, has committed great devastation in the vineyards of France. Great numbers of this insect appear on the roots of the vine, where they produce galls, and their punctures are so numerous and incessant that the roots can no longer supply nutriment to the plant, which fades and dies. There is a form which lives on the leaves, also producing galls."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Pylloxera is a genus of insects allied to the Aphis and Coccus families. The Phylloxeridæ attach…

A Roman doodad.

Roman doodad

A Roman doodad.

A Roman Siege Works, with A and B, a double wall; C, C, C, Vineæ; D, an Agger; E, a movable tower; F, a ditch.

Roman Siege Works

A Roman Siege Works, with A and B, a double wall; C, C, C, Vineæ; D, an Agger; E, a movable tower;…

"Thyrsus, a pole carried by Bacchus, and by Satyrs, Maenades, and others who engaged in Bacchic festivities and rites. It was sometimes terminated by the apple of the pine, or fir-cone, that tree being dedicated to Bacchus in consequence of the use of the turpentine which flowed from it, and also of its cones, in making wine. The monuments of ancient art, however, most commonly exhibit, instead of the pine-apple, a bunch of vine or ivy leaves, with grapes or berries, arranged into the form of a cone. The annexed cut shows the head of a thyrsus composed of the leaves and berries of the ivy, and surrounded by acanthus leaves. The fabulous history of Bacchus relates that he converted the thyrsi carried by himself and his followers into dangerous weapons, by concealing an iron point in the head of the leaves." &mdash Smith; 1873


"Thyrsus, a pole carried by Bacchus, and by Satyrs, Maenades, and others who engaged in Bacchic festivities…

"Represents the <em>falx vinitoria</em>, or pruning-knife for vines, to which the <em>ensis falcatus</em> have a close resemblence." &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Falx vinitoria

"Represents the falx vinitoria, or pruning-knife for vines, to which the ensis falcatus

"Dionysus and the Vine" &mdash; Gayley, 1893


"Dionysus and the Vine" — Gayley, 1893

"A good trellis for tomatoes, holding the vines apart and allowing all fruits to receive air and light." &mdash; Baily, 1898


"A good trellis for tomatoes, holding the vines apart and allowing all fruits to receive air and light."…

The fruit and plant of the vine-like herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears an accessory fruit of a type that botanists call a false berry. The watermelon fruit, loosely considered a type of melon, has a smooth exterior rind and a juicy, sweet, usually red interior flesh.


The fruit and plant of the vine-like herb originally from southern Africa. This flowering plant bears…

A genus of lice classed with the aphidae, which feed as parasites on different kinds of plants. The most notd species is an injurious pest to the vine. This form is native to North America, where it was first observed in 1854.


A genus of lice classed with the aphidae, which feed as parasites on different kinds of plants. The…

A pumpkin is a vegetable, most commonly orange in colour when ripe, that grows as a fruit from a trailing vine of the genus Cucurbita.


A pumpkin is a vegetable, most commonly orange in colour when ripe, that grows as a fruit from a trailing…

A well-known climbing shrub, which consists of climbing plants with woody stems, simple or compound leaves, small green flowers, and round berries.


A well-known climbing shrub, which consists of climbing plants with woody stems, simple or compound…

A very slender, branched twining leafless yellowish or reddish annual parasites.

Lesser Dodder

A very slender, branched twining leafless yellowish or reddish annual parasites.

A tiny sap sucking insect.

Vine Pest

A tiny sap sucking insect.

A vine border with a piece of pottery.

Vine Border

A vine border with a piece of pottery.

A vine border.

Vine Border

A vine border.

"The Tortricina include a great number of small moths exceedingly injurious to orchard and other trees. They are known as "leaf-rollers" from the habit which most of their larva have of rolling up the leaves on which they feed, and thus forming a shelter for themselves. The Green Tortrix occurs in the larva state on the oak, to which it often does great injurt by stripping the trees of their leaves in the month of June. Throughout Southern Europe the vine is liable to the ravages of another species, Aenectra pillariana, while few of our fruit trees are exempt from the occasional attacks of some species or other of the Carpocapsidae, the fruit-eating family of this group." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica; 1893


"The Tortricina include a great number of small moths exceedingly injurious to orchard and other trees.…

A butterfly that feeds on the grape vines.

Grape Vine Butterfly

A butterfly that feeds on the grape vines.

A grape vine butterfly larva.

Grape Vine Butterfly Larva

A grape vine butterfly larva.

A moth whose larva feeds mostly on grape vines.

Grape Vine Moth

A moth whose larva feeds mostly on grape vines.

A larva that feeds mostly on grape vines.

Grape Vine Worm

A larva that feeds mostly on grape vines.

"This mode of propagation is performed by cutting the branches into short lengths, each containing one well-matured bud or eye, with a short portion of the stem above and below. It is a common mode of propagating vines, the eyes being in this case cut from the ripened leafless wood. The eyes (a) are planted just below the surface in pots of light soil, which are placed in a hot bed or propagating pit, and in due time each pushed up a young shoot which forms the future stem, while convert it into an independent plant." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Single Eye

"This mode of propagation is performed by cutting the branches into short lengths, each containing one…

"Grape-vine Phylloxera, young." &mdash;Davison, 1906


"Grape-vine Phylloxera, young." —Davison, 1906

A herbaceous climbing plant. It bears a large, three celled bladder like pod.

Balloon Vine

A herbaceous climbing plant. It bears a large, three celled bladder like pod.

A script wrapped in a floral vine

Script footer

A script wrapped in a floral vine

The flower of the Cypress-vine.


The flower of the Cypress-vine.

A member of the morning glory family, it is an edible root. Grown and eten because of its sweetness. The vine has violet and/or pink flowers.

Sweet Potato

A member of the morning glory family, it is an edible root. Grown and eten because of its sweetness.…

A large and a smaller dotted duct from Grape-Vine.


A large and a smaller dotted duct from Grape-Vine.

This banner has floral and vine arrangements on it with two mermaids in the center of the print.


This banner has floral and vine arrangements on it with two mermaids in the center of the print.

Valvate-involute aestivation of same in Vine-bower, Clematis Vitialla.


Valvate-involute aestivation of same in Vine-bower, Clematis Vitialla.

A grape-vine leaf gall-louse. The insect forms galls on the under side of the grape-vine leaves, and although they appear to do comparatively little injury to the vine, they are extremely interesting to vine-growers.


A grape-vine leaf gall-louse. The insect forms galls on the under side of the grape-vine leaves, and…

Phylloxera Vastatrix, a grape-vine-root gall-louse, is by many entomologists supposed to be another form of the Pemphigus vitifoliae above mentioned, but that, instead of living above ground and forming hollow bag-like galls on the leaves, it lives under-ground on the roots, upon which it forms knotty swellings or galls.

Grape-Root Louse

Phylloxera Vastatrix, a grape-vine-root gall-louse, is by many entomologists supposed to be another…

Hypena humuli species, hop-vine moth.


Hypena humuli species, hop-vine moth.

A vine beginning to grow.


A vine beginning to grow.

Black pepper is a flowering vine, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is a flowering vine, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning.

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge very sharply and slightly irregularly and unequally toothed. Outline - long oval or long egg-shape. Apex - taper-pointed. Base - slightly heart-shaped. Leaf/Stem - about one fourth inch long, and often rough. Leaf - usually three to four inches long, and about half as wide, but with many smaller leaves of varying size on the same branch; smoothish above, paler and somewhat downy below. Ribs - The straight ribs and their angles hairy. Bark - of trunk, brownish or dark gray, and remarkable for being finely furrowed up and down, with the ridges broken into three - to four-inch lengths. These divisions are narrower than on any other rough-barked tree, and they become narrower and finer as the tree grows older. The new shoots are reddish green and dotted with brown; the younger branches purplish-brown and dotted with white or gray. When the branch is two to three inches thick, its bark becomes grayish and begins to crack. Fruit - in long oval, drooping clusters, resembling those of the hop-vine, with long, unlobed scales that lap each other like shingles. August, September. Found - oftenest on dry hill-sides. Common North, South, and West, especially in Southern Arkansas. General Information - A tree twenty to thirty feet high, with white, very strong, and compact wood. It would be very valuable, if it were more abundant and of larger growth.

Genus ostrya, Scop. (Hop-Hornbeam)

Leaves - simple; alternate; edge very sharply and slightly irregularly and unequally toothed. Outline…

A vine of the pea family, the peanut plant is native to Brazil but the fruit of the plant has become popular all over.

Peanut Plant

A vine of the pea family, the peanut plant is native to Brazil but the fruit of the plant has become…

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the Northern Fox Grape or Vitis Labrusca.

Northern Fox Grape

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the Northern Fox Grape or Vitis Labrusca.

A floral initial, capital S

S, Floral Initial

A floral initial, capital S

A twining stem, or vine.

Twining Stem

A twining stem, or vine.

A decorative frame of flowers and vines.

Floral Frame

A decorative frame of flowers and vines.

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the leaf and berries of the Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia).

Virginia Creeper

Of the vine family (Vitaceae), the leaf and berries of the Virginia creeper (Psedera quinquefolia).