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  Maps > United States > California
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A collection of historic and contemporary political and physical maps of California, including early exploration, geomorphic maps, and relief maps.

Northern and Central California, 1920
A map of Northern and Central California from 1920 showing the State capital of Sacramento, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, National Park boundaries, National Forest boundaries, Indian reservation boundaries, mountain sy...

Southern California, 1920
A map of Southern California from 1920 showing the major cities and towns, railroads, National Park boundaries, National Forest boundaries, Indian reservation boundaries, mountain systems, lakes, rivers, and coastal features....

California (Northern and Central), 1920
A map of Northern and Central California from 1920 showing the State capital of Sacramento, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, National Park boundaries, National Forest boundaries, Indian reservation boundaries, mountain sy...

California (Southern), 1920
A map of Southern California from 1920 showing the counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, National Park boundaries, National Forest boundaries, Indian reservation boundaries, mountain systems, lakes, rivers, and coastal feature...

California, 1922
A map of California from 1922 showing the State capital of Sacramento, major cities and towns, railroads, mountain systems, lakes, rivers, and coastal features. An inset map shows the continuation of the southeast part of the state....

San Francisco and Vicinity, 1922
A map from 1922 of the area from San Francisco to Sacramento, showing the San Francisco Bay and Sacramento River, neighboring cities and towns, county boundaries, railroads, marshlands, coastal mountains, rivers, and coastal features....

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  Maps > United States > California
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College of Education, University of South Florida