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A collection of historic and contemporary political and physical maps of Illinois, including city plans, geomorphic, and glacial maps, for use in the K-12 classroom.

Illinois, 1920
A map from 1920 of Illinois showing the State capital of Springfield, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, canals, the shoreline of Lake Michigan, and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers....

Illinois, 1920
A map from 1920 of Illinois showing the State capital of Springfield, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, canals, the shoreline of Lake Michigan, and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers....

Illinois, 1920
A map from 1920 of Illinois showing the State capital of Springfield, counties and county seats, major cities and towns, railroads, canals, the shoreline of Lake Michigan, and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. A grid reference in the margins of the ma...

Illinois, 1922
A map from 1922 of Illinois showing the State capital of Springfield, major cities and towns, railroads, canals, the shoreline of Lake Michigan, and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers....

Chicago, 1922
A map from 1922 of Chicago and neighboring counties. The map shows county boundaries and county seats, cities, towns, railroads, canals, lakes, rivers, and the shoreline of Lake Michigan....

Generalized Glacial Map of Northern Illinois, Ice Age
A map from 1911 of the glacial remnants in northern Illinois, showing areas of moraine deposits, driftless areas to the east, Illinoian drift, lowland drift, till sheets, and the proglacial Lake Chicago outlet....

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  Maps > United States > Illinois
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