Presentation Icons with Transparent Backgrounds: Metallic Bronze
NOTE: Each button has a transparent background so you can use it against any background. Simply click and drag the button(s) you want from this webpage to your desktop or, if you prefer, right-click and select "copy" or "save" from the pop-up menu. |
 Blank Button
 Audio: Louder
 Audio: Softer
 Audio: Mute
 Captioning: Closed
 Captioning: Open
 Control: Access
 Control: Contrast
 Control: Enlarge
 Control: Reduce
 Control: Gauge
 Control: Settings
 Function: Alert
 Function: Burn
 Function: Cut
 Function: Delete
 Function: File
 Function: Help
 Function: Paste
 Function: Power
 Function: Print
 Function: Recycle
 Function: Refresh
 Function: Reset
 Function: Save
 Function: Trash
 Function: View
 Function: Undo
 Graph: Bar
 Graph: Line
 Graph: Pie
 Hardware: Camcorder
 Hardware: Camera
 Hardware: Headphones
 Hardware: Microphone
 Internet: Attach
 Internet: Chat
 Internet: Download
 Internet: EM@il
 Internet: EMail
 Internet: Phone
 Internet: Reload
 Internet: RSS
 Internet: Search
 Internet: Shopping
 Internet: WWW
 Letter: A
 Letter: B
 Letter: C
 Letter: D
 Letter: E
 Letter: F
 Map: Florida
 Map: USA
 Map: World
 Math: Addition
 Math: Division
 Math: Dollar
 Math: Equals
 Math: Infinity
 Math: Multiplication
 Math: Percent
 Math: Subtraction
 Media: Book
 Media: Disc
 Media: Document
 Media: Movie
 Media: Music
 Media: Photos
 Navigation: Next
 Navigation: Previous
 Navigation: Up
 Navigation: Down
 Navigation: Return
 Navigation: Home
 Navigation: Stop
 Navigation: Exit
 Numeral: 0
 Numeral: 1
 Numeral: 2
 Numeral: 3
 Numeral: 4
 Numeral: 5
 Numeral: 6
 Numeral: 7
 Numeral: 8
 Numeral: 9
 Person: Individual
 Person: Group
 Person: Female
 Person: Male
 Platform: Macintosh
 Platform: Windows
 Player: Play
 Player: Rewind
 Player: Pause
 Player: Stop
 Player: Record
 Player: Fast-Fwd
 Player: End-Track
 Player: End
 Player: Fast-Rewind
 Player: Begin-Track
 Player: Beginning
 Player: Eject
 Rating: 1-Star
 Rating: 2-Star
 Rating: 3-Star
 Rating: 4-Star
 Rating: 5-Star
 Rating: First
 Response: Thumbs-Up
 Response: Thumbs-Down
 Response: Happy
 Response: Sad
 Response: Neutral
 Response: Surprise
 Response: Check
 Response: Check-Box
 Response: X-Box
 Response: OK
 Response: Heart
 Response: Write
 Response: Comment
 Response: Idea
 Security: Key
 Security: Lock
 Security: Unlock
 Shape: Circle
 Shape: Diamond
 Shape: Square
 Shape: Star
 Shape: Triangle
 Share: Bookmark
 Share: Delicious
 Share: Digg
 Share: Facebook
 Share: Ning
 Share: Twitter
 Symbol: Ampersand
 Symbol: Asterisk
 Symbol: Awareness
 Symbol: Bell
 Symbol: Bug
 Symbol: Copyright
 Symbol: Flag
 Symbol: Information
 Symbol: Memorial
 Symbol: No
 Symbol: Pennant
 Symbol: Pound
 Symbol: Question
 Symbol: Tag
 Text: Enlarge
 Text: Reduce
 Time: Clock
 Time: Date
 Time: Day
 Time: Night
 Time: Hourglass
Presentations ETC
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2010.